
Websites on the 菠菜网lol正规平台 domain at hzjly.net are for university departments, centers, and 管理组织. Student organizations and projects are not eligible for this 服务.

This email address will be used to create the i支持 ticket to track this request
Prompt: How does your website tie in to 菠菜网lol正规平台's strategic plan and the university's 使命和目标?
Student-managed organizations and projects do not qualify for these 服务s.
This would be the name of your department, program, or center
This is the text that will appear after "globalstudies.hzjly.net" in your web address

The web address you choose for your site can be an integral part of how you communicate to your audience and market your program or center.

An abbreviation or acronym is fine if you're an administrative unit on campus (e.g. 大学工作人员, hzjly.net/up). Otherwise, try and choose something that is descriptive, but easy to remember.

多个单词是可以的, 但并不理想, as printed materiel or online videos recommending people visit hzjly.net/applied-spartan-theory aren't quite as easy to type or remember as hzjly.net/spartantheory.

Please list the preferred names and @sjsu.Edu邮箱地址es of each person who needs to be able to edit this website.
This is the person that IT will get in touch with in case of issues with content
If t在这里 are any additional notes or information we need to know, please include them 在这里