

一封情书 (2023)


一封情书 has the power to speak outside of time (or through time) as did my beloved aunt who left a paper trail that evidenced she kept me in her thoughts. 她写了一份预支 Directive, and purchased some modest burial insurance, and protected a few memories that might have otherwise been forgotten. A love letter became how she chose to say 再见,优雅地离去. So, I wish in many ways to reciprocate her love with this little book--a re-memory--a reflection of where I was when she left this world, and where I am now, and where in the future any 一个 of us might be.

订单 一封情书 


稳定而有节制: Benner C. Turner, A Black College President in the Jim Crow South (2023)

特拉维斯D. 博伊斯 
University of South Carolina Press

稳定而有节制 chronicles the life, and reassesses the career, of Benner C. 特纳,一位非裔美国人 collegiate president at South Carolina State College, a historically black college in Orangeburg, South Carolina. Although critical of civil rights activism on campus, he champi一个d black education through the pragmatic leadership of his struggling institution.

订单 稳定而有节制 


引发了: George Floyd, Racism, and the Progressive Illusion (2021)

温蒂米. 汤普森(ed.) 
Minnesota Historical Society Press

On May 25, 2020, George Floyd, an unarmed Black man, was killed by Minneapolis police officers, sparking months of unrest at home and around the world. 当数百万人 to the streets to express their outrage and speak out against systemic racism, injustice, and institutionalized violence, the city of Minneapolis and its residents were deeply 动摇了. For many, George Floyd's murder and the ensuing uprisings shattered the city's reputation for progressive ideals and a high quality of life. 对其他许多人来说, incident simply caught on camera a representation of the harsh realities and paradoxes that they have been living with for generations. In the words of Jasmine Mitchell, "the ‘Minnesota nice’ comforts and illusionary progressiveness resides upon the ignoring of White racial terrorism and fears of Blackness, brown immigrants, and resistance 反对白人至上主义."

引发了 brings together the perspectives of social scientists, professors, and other academics who work or have worked in Minnesota. 的 essays present reflections on racial dynamics in the Twin Cities and the intersection of the wonderful and wretched sides of that existence, revealing deep complexities, ingrained inequities, and diverse personal 经历.

订单 引发了 


历史化了恐惧: Ignorance, Vilification, and Othering (2020)

特拉维斯D. 博伊斯(ed.)
University Press of Colorado

历史化了恐惧 is a historical interrogation of the use of fear as a tool to vilify and persecute groups and individuals from a global perspective, offering an unflinching look at racism, fearful framing, oppression, and marginalization across human history.的 book examines fear and Othering from a historical context, providing a better understanding of how power and oppression is used in the present day.

Contributors ground their work in the theory of Othering—the reductive action of labeling a person as some一个 who belongs to a subordinate social category defined as the Other—in relation to historical events, demonstrating that fear of the Other is universal, timeless, and interconnected. Chapters address the music of neo-Nazi white power groups, fear perpetuated through the social construct of black masculinity in a racially hegemonic society, the terror and racial cleansing in early twentieth-century Arkansas, the fear of drug-addicted Vietnam War veterans, the creation of fear by the Tang Dynasty, 和更多的.

Timely, provocative, and rigorously researched, 历史化了恐惧 shows how the Othering of members of different ethnic groups has been used to propagate fear and social tension, justify state violence, and prevent groups or individuals 从获得平等. Broadening the context of how fear of the Other can be used as a propaganda tool, this book will be of interest to scholars and students of history, anthropology, political science, popular culture, critical race issues, social justice, and ethnic studies, as well as the general reader concerned with the fearful framing 在政治中普遍存在.

订单 历史化了恐惧