Support Our Students

Your tax-deductible gift demonstrates you care about helping our students graduate and succeed, as well as supporting class projects and labs that allow our students to learn through hands-on experience.


访问 the 给现在 page to make your secure donation online via the 菠菜网lol正规平台 giving page.

  • 重要的是: When prompted to choose the designation for your gift, use the Other Purpose box 输入 "Aviation Department" or "Technology Department"
  • (可选): You can choose to further specify your donation for 一个 of our high-priority funds, 下面列出的.


Department and Program 奖学金

Aviation Program

  • 谢勒8月
  • 里克•莱恩
  • 托马斯·E. 伦纳德
  • Jason Dahl Memorial

Technology Program

  • 霍华德·格瑞斯
  • Alexander Liniecki 
  • Joseph Ma Technology 
  • 工艺美术

Other Aviation Scholarship (Not Sponsored by the Program)