
爱尔兰共和军. 辉煌的贝多芬研究中心 at 圣何塞州立大学 is funded through a combination of public and private donors. 我们欢迎您的支持 收听贝多芬中心的节目 美国贝多芬学会.  


One of the easiest ways to support the 贝多芬中心 is to sign up for a membership 在 美国贝多芬学会. 会员资格 are available at various levels (starting at just $25.每年00英镑 学生),并包括以下福利:

  • 订阅半年一次 贝多芬通讯.
  • Invitations to and notices of important Beethoven festivals 在 United States
  • Invitations to and first preference on European and American tours
  • 贝多芬中心商品折扣
  • 非营利性赠与税减免
  • Special announcements of events sponsored by the 爱尔兰共和军F. 贝多芬辉煌中心 研究 

To purchase a membership for yourself or as a gift, go to the 美国贝多芬学会 网站. 


的 贝多芬网关 is a system of online databases developed by the 爱尔兰共和军F. 才华横溢的 Center for Beethoven 研究 to assist with discovery of resources on the composer 路德维希·凡·贝多芬. Designed for any level of scholarly research, the Gateway is 在线免费提供.

Sponsorships for the Digital 集合s helps support all of the 贝多芬网关 项目. 请下载 贝多芬网关 Donor Brochure and Sponsorship Form [pdf] 了解更多信息.


“贝多芬之门”的赞助起价低至30美元. 保荐人的姓名,以及他们的姓名 wish to honor or commemorate, will be recognized 在 贝多芬网关 and on this 网站. 例如,请参见下面的赞助商列表.

For a price list of sponsorship costs for first editions, manuscripts, and collections, 点击这里. [pdf]



Major grants from the California State 图书馆 (1990-1991) and the National Endowment for the Humanities (1993-1995) helped launch the 项目. 1996-2000年,数据库 received support from the David and Lucile Packard Foundation. 其他基金会, including the Farrington Historical Society, and individual donors are listed on the 数据库的网站.

的 项目 is currently operating at a reduced level with funds donated from the Farrington Historical Society and donors to 美国贝多芬学会's annual 运动.

的 项目 is currently operating at a reduced level with funds from the digital sponsorships and donors to 美国贝多芬学会's annual 运动.

To endow the 贝多芬网关 database permanently would cost approximately $1 million.



青年钢琴家贝多芬比赛 is an annual competition for high school students in California. 成立于1987年 by Celia Méndez, a private piano teacher, its purpose is to serve as a rich, artistic educational experience for high school students to better understand and interpret 贝多芬钢琴奏鸣曲. Consistent with this purpose, three winners are awarded a two-hour master class with an internationally renowned artist. 额外的奖励 表演机会和金钱奖励吗. 


  • 客座艺术家酬金:5000美元
  • 学生奖金:1125美元
  • 评委酬金:400美元
  • 邮寄标签(5,000):$500
  • 印刷宣传册:500美元
  • 小册子邮资:$900
  • 选手和老师午餐:400美元
  • 六位入围者的客座歌手cd: 150美元
  • 总:8975美元

的 Competition is partially funded by an endowment given to the Center by Horace 道奇和个人捐款.

To fully endow the competition would cost $100,000.



Help the 贝多芬中心 build its rare collections by joining the Beethoven Manuscript 俱乐部. Members of the club will be contacted when the 贝多芬中心 receives a special offer or is attempting to bid for a Beethoven manuscript, first edition, or other 拍卖中的珍宝.

要加入俱乐部,请下载 贝多芬手稿俱乐部会员表格[pdf] or 菠菜网lol正规平台 了解更多信息.



You also can help support 的 美国贝多芬学会 through 我给.com, a service that allows Internet shoppers to direct a portion of their purchase to 美国贝多芬学会.



Planned gifts can provide you an immediate income tax, charitable deduction, and steady 你一生中的现金流量.

To find out more on how to benefit the Center through a bequest, charitable gift annuity, 或慈善剩余信托,请下载我们的 贝多芬中心计划捐赠[pdf] 宣传册.



的 贝多芬中心 welcomes donations of Beethoven materials under the following 情况:

  1. 这些材料状况相当良好.
  2. Materials duplicated 在 Center's collection may be sold.
  3. 的 donor covers cost of mailing and insurance when applicable.
  4. If an appraisal is needed, the donor arranges this in advance of delivery of the materials. 的 贝多芬中心 cannot place values on materials or pay for appraisals. 异常 可能适合大型收藏吗. 

捐款请寄到 贝多芬中心 to the Curator's attention and include an explanatory cover letter with name, address, ph一个 number, 还有捐赠者的电子邮件地址. In the cover letter, please provide as much information as possible on the provenance or history of the material if applicable. 捐款 of large collections should be discussed with the Curator in advance.


Since the Center opened in 1985, 圣何塞州立大学 has provided staff salaries, space, supplies, and services and has funded some of our special 项目s. 中心 is a program of the 人文艺术学院 and a special collection of 大学图书馆.

的 美国贝多芬学会 supports the Center programs, including publication of 的 Beethoven Journal and 的 贝多芬通讯; acquisition of special materials such as manuscripts, first and early editions, and art objects and prints; support of scholarly research; and 其他活动. Endowment 运动s are underway to fund the major 项目s of the Center. 

的 贝多芬中心 also has received grants for specific 项目s from local and national foundations and other agencies, including:

  • Eva B. 巴克的信任
  • 加州州立图书馆
  • 康普顿基金会
  • 法灵顿历史基金会
  • 休·斯图尔特中心慈善信托基金
  • 大卫和露西尔·帕卡德基金会
  • 国家人文基金会
  • 硅谷基金会