

BME 291 - MS Thesis/项目 Preparation Seminar Syllabus [docx]
BME 298 - MS 项目 Syllabus [docx]

Required Report Writing Guidelines

BME Thesis/项目 Report Style Guide [docx]


学生 should gear up for their MS 项目 at least 一个 semester before they enroll 在BME 291. In addition to clearing all the prerequisites for BME 291 (see MS-BME学位核对表[pdf]),学生应:

  • Identify topic areas of interest and 一个 or more prospective technical advisors (usually, BME教员)
  • Inquire with prospective technical advisors for available projects in the areas they 确认
  • (可选)确定团队成员
  • Reach out to potential Reading Committee members (for MS 项目, you need at least 一个 member in addition to your technical advisor)
  • Explore funding opportunities to support their project expenses
  • Consider whether they want to pursue a 项目 or Thesis

Once 这个项目 topic and advisor have been 确认, the student should start working on getting familiar with the topic. In particular, it is recommended that, before the beginning of their BME 291 semester, the student:

  • Select and critically review some peer-reviewed papers from the relevant literature
  • Draft a list of (tentative) specific aims for their MS project


The project is generally articulated into two comp一个nts: proposal (BME 291) and execution 298年(BME). In the proposal, the student identifies the overall objective and articulate specific aims that will allow them to address the technological or clinical gap they 确认 with their literature review. In addition to demonstrate the significance and innovation of the proposed work, the student needs to show that their project is feasible by discussing in detail the materials and methodologies they will use.

Here is the general template for the structure of a MS-BME project proposal:

  • 介绍
  • 文献综述
  • 目标/具体目标
  • 材料与方法

By the end of the semester (BME 291), the student must defend their proposal with an oral presentation, followed by a Q&A session with the course instructor, technical advisor and Reading Committee member(s).


Once the student has successfully defended their proposal and cleared BME 291, they are eligible to enroll in BME 298. During this semester, the student will execute the proposed work, which may include device or protocol design and validation, benchtop experiments, numerical simulation. The data collected from those activities will have to be appropriately processed, analyzed, interpreted, evaluated in light of the information available from literature review and established clinical practice.

The writeup for this part of 这个项目 should be organized into three chapters:

  • 结果
  • Discussion of the main findings as well as the limitations of 这个项目
  • 结论

Completion of the 项目 may require 一个 or more semesters, depending primarily on the time committed by the student. Delays external to the student’s control (e.g. purchase of backordered items, equipment needing repair or maintenance, and the intrinsic uncertainties of research work) may further add to the time required to complete the 项目. If 这个项目 extends beyond the BME 298 semester, the student may be required 为…注册 BME 1290 r to maintain continuous enrollment.

By the end of the semester 298年(BME), the student must defend their results and conclusions with an oral presentation, followed by a Q&A session with the course instructor, technical advisor and Reading Committee member(s).


After the final report has been formally approved by the Reading Committee, the student should work with the BME 298 course instructor, technical advisor and Graduate Advisor to finalize the following items:

  • Collect all the signatures on the signature page of the final project report
  • Submit the final project report to the Graduate Advisor
  • 在BME 298中获得CR等级
  • Confirm with the Graduate Advisor that all the coursework listed in the approved candidacy form has been completed satisfactorily. Any deviation from the courses listed in the approved candidacy form requires the submission of a Course Substitution Request.
  • Hand over all the materials produced for 这个项目 to the technical advisor, including:
       -  all the peer-reviewed papers referenced in the report
       -  all the deliverables generated (reports, slides, protocols, manuscripts,         会议摘要)
       -  all the experimental/numerical data generated and analyzed
       -  documentation and instructions for new equipment and software (not         already documented), for the benefit of future students
  • Clear the lab space, refrigerator space, and return all the equipment borrowed for 这个项目.
    After all the items above have been completed, the Graduate Advisor will submit a Verification of 终极体验 form to 打呵欠, on behalf of the student. 打呵欠 will award the MS degree shortly thereafter.