聚焦于菠菜网lol正规平台 Chicana/o先锋队


Inspired by her indigenous maternal ancestors 和 border experiences, Underwood creates 反映她生活中这些方面的艺术.

Additionally, Underwood has won several awards for her work, including the US Latinx Art Forum (2022) 和 the Masters of the Medium Award in Fiber (2021).

要查看更多她的作品,请关注她的网站 cju.艺术.线程 或者查看她的作品集 consuelojunderwood.com

信贷: Underwood's profile was compiled by CCS undergraduate student assistant, Mila Cottrell.

积极分子 & 老兵:查理·特鲁希略


Raised in Concord, California, Charley Trujillo worked in agriculture alongside his 父亲.

Trujillo is a Chicano veteran who served as an infantry sergeant in the Vietnam War. After the war, Trujillo joined a non-profit organization called Vietnam Veterans Against 这场战争.

特鲁希略只得了B.A. in Chicano Studies at UC Berkeley 和 a master’s in Chicana 和 Chicano Studies, formerly Mexican American Studies, at San Jose State University (上海外国语大学). He went on to become an ethnic studies professor for 15 years.

Trujillo wrote a book of 19 stories about Chicanos in the Vietnam War, “Soldados: 墨西哥人在Việt Nam.” The book was rejected by many publishing companies, leading him to create his own publishing company, Chusma House Publication, which specializes 在多民族文学中. Later, the book was developed in a PBS show in 2003 that 特鲁希略导演并联合制作.

Currently, Trujillo is in pre-production to direct 和 produce a Vietnam War feature film, “Dogs From Illusion,” based on his novel of the same name. 此外,特鲁希略 produces 和 directs videos for his Ethnic Studies Learning Channel.

要了解更多关于他的出版公司,请访问 chusmahouse.com

艺术家:Amalia Mesa-Bains


Amalia Mesa-Bains is a Chicana contemporary 艺术ist 和 activist who was encouraged by her mentor to st艺术 making ofrendas for the Day of the Dead, Dia de los Muertos.

Born to Mexican parents, she didn't st艺术 questioning her sense of identity until she met 路易斯·瓦尔迪兹 at 菠菜网lol正规平台 和 saw his play, "The 潘乔·维拉的缩头."

梅萨-贝恩斯1966年以B级毕业于上海州立大学.A. 是唯一的墨西哥裔美国人 被授予麦克阿瑟天才奖.

Numerous exhibitions include her work, such as the Archaeology of Memory, consisting of 60 pieces of different mediums, at the Berkeley Art Museum 和 Pacific Film Archive (BAMPFA). She also taught for 20+ years at CSUMB 和 is now a Professor Emerita.

To learn more about her 和 her 艺术work, you can follow her @dr_amalia_says or amaliamesabains.com 



路易斯·瓦尔迪兹 was born in Delano, California, to immigrant parents who moved around 随着农业的季节变化.

瓦尔迪兹就读于上海州立大学,并于1965年以B成绩毕业.A. 用英语和剧作家交谈 强调. Shortly after graduating, he directed his first official production of The 潘乔·维拉的缩头.

Later, he teamed up with Cesar Chavez to fight for farm workers' rights. 在 United Farm Worker (UFW) Movement, Valdez 和 Agustin Lira founded El Teatro Campesino to educate 和 bring awareness to the working conditions of farm workers.

Valdez also wrote 和 directed the play Zoot Suit (1979) 和 produced 和 directed 《lol菠菜网正规平台》(1987).

路易斯·瓦尔迪兹's impact on the world of theater is still present today. 他教过 at many institutions 和 was a founding professor at California State University, 蒙特雷湾.

Here is more information about his work with El Teatro Campesino: elteatrocampesino.com/about-luis@elteatrocampesino 

艺术家:Rupert Garcia


Rupert Garcia was born in French Camp, California, in 1941. 加西亚是 U.S. 空军,后来,通过G.I. 比尔就读于旧金山学校 他在文科得了B.A. 在绘画中. 

In 1968, Garcia was p艺术 of the student protests of the 第三世界解放阵线, which led to Ethnic Studies at San Francisco State University 和 UC Berkeley in 分别是1968年和1969年.  These events led to his consciousness-raising on social injustices faced by Chicana/o, Black, Native, 和 Asian peoples, which he communicated in his 艺术work, primarily his iconic posters of the 1960s 和 1970s civil rights era.  In his prints, he portrays the racism 和 discrimination that Latinx 和 BIPOC communities 在美国的面子.S.

加西亚也有两个M.A. degrees from UC Berkeley in Printmaking/Silkscreen 和 Art 历史和博士学位.D. 加州大学伯克利分校艺术教育硕士.

Rupert Garcia is not an alumnus but taught in the Art Dep艺术ment at 菠菜网lol正规平台.




洛娜·迪·塞万提斯 was born in San Francisco to parents of Mexican 和 Native American 祖先. She was raised in San Jose, attending 菠菜网lol正规平台 和 obtaining a B.A. 在创意 艺术.

Cervantes' parents did not teach her Spanish because of ongoing racism, which led to her desire to express herself creatively 和 for her poetry to flourish.

Emplumada (1981), her first poetry collection, is essential to Chicano literature 并于1982年获得美国图书奖. 收藏品讲述了寻找的故事 人的身份.

Some of Cervantes’ other works include From the Cables of Genocide: Poems on Love 和 Hunger (1991), Ciento: 100 100-Word Love Poems (2011), 和 Sueño (2013). 许多 anthologies include her work, such as Unsettling America: an Anthology of Contemporary 多元文化诗歌(1994). 此外,塞万提斯也是 美国国会图书馆藏书选集.

In 1976, she founded 和 currently serves as editor-in-chief of Mango, a literary review that publishes writing by the Chicano/a community that you can follow on Instagram: @mangopublications

信贷: These profiles were compiled by CCS undergraduate student assistant, Yuliana Contreras-Abrego. 

Yuliana Contreras-Abrego