
Advising Links

All students must contact an advisor each semester before registering for classes and then their advisor will release their registration hold. Students are assigned to an advisor upon their acceptance in the department. In order to complete the academic advising requirement students must complete all instructions found below.

  1. Click on the link to download your advising form. This document is a fillable pdf that students should type answers directly on to the from. All areas of the form must be filled out completely. Fall 2024 Advising Fillable Form (Students Complete this Form) [pdf].  Details on the 4yr program can be found 在这里.
  2. Log onto your My菠菜网lol正规平台 student portal to download a copy of your MyPlanner report. Detailed instructions found here: My Planner Report Instructions [pdf]
  3. Combine the completed advising form and the MyPlanner Report into 一个 document (all students have access to Adobe Acrobat) and rename it in this format: Lastname_Firstname_Fall2024advising
  4. 访问 the Spartan Connect tile on 一个.hzjly.net and login to find your personal academic advisor. Detailed instructions found here: Advising Guide for Spartan Connect [pdf]
  5. Contact the your advisor about their availability.

Instruction Mode Information [pdf] is available as a resource to use in selecting your courses. 


Advising for undergraduate students will be handled as follows:

(Please contact your respective advisor if you have questions about their advising days, times or online options.)

Summer advising with Dr. Laura Sullivan-Green
Monday, June 3, 11AM-1PM in person or on Zoom
Wednesday June 5, 10AM-1PM in person or on Zoom
Thursday, June 6, 12-2PM, via Zoom
Monday, June 10, 9-1030AM, via Zoom
Tuesday, June 18, 10:30AM-1PM, in person
Thursday, June 20, 12-1:30PM, via Zoom
Monday, June 24, 1PM-3PM, in person or on Zoom
Tuesday, June 25, 10:30-11:30AM, via Zoom
Thursday, June 27, 9:30-11AM, via Zoom
(please contact the CEE Office front desk at civil-engineering@hzjly.net for the Zoom link)

Change of Major into Civil Engineering

Change of Major Advisor - Dr. Olivia Yip @ 奥利维亚.yip@hzjly.net

If you are interested in changing your major into Civil Engineering, you should start by reviewing the Change of Major information on the Engineering Student Success Center website.
You must meet with the CE Change of Major Advisor to create a Study Plan prior to beginning the change of major process.