
International Virtual Conference on the theme “比较哲学 toward World Philosophy” (co-organized by the International Society for 比较哲学 toward World Philosophy and the 国际期刊, 比较哲学) is co-sponsored and hosted by the 比较哲学中心, San Jose State (“CCP-菠菜网lol正规平台”). 林超特捐赠 美国菠菜网lol正规平台(和CPWP的备用资金)将在 2022年4月19日(星期二)-23日(星期六) 通过主办方设置的变焦频道 (免费)

- 该程序的2022-4-19更新版本

- 缩放链接信息为个别会议 


To fulfill the shared concern and emphasis by the co-organizer/co-sponsor parties in their missions, this international conference is issue/topic oriented with emphasis on contribution to the contemporary development of philosophy (instead of historical figure or specific doctrine oriented) and of contemporary society, focusing on a range of philosophical issues/topics in various areas of philosophy that are or can be jointly concerned and approached in a way of cross-tradition engagement (via appropriate philosophical 解释(从更高和/或更广泛的哲学角度):如何 不同的方法和资源来自不同的哲学 traditions (whether distinguished culturally or by style/orientation), or from some (ancient) philosophical tradition and contemporary scholarship (philosophy or other intellectual pursuits), can talk to (rather than failing to communicate and understand), engage with (rather than passing by) and learn from (rather than totally rejecting or dismissing) each other and constructively make joint contributions to the development of philosophy and of contemporary society on the addressed jointly-concerned issues/topics.


In view of the current coronavirus situation and of a range of relevant developments concerning various school classes/activities, this workshop event has been canceled ["比较哲学 Forum" workshop on the theme "Textual analysis and philosophical interpretation", hosted by the 比较哲学中心, and originally planned to be held on 4/8 at 菠菜网lol正规平台]: it is to be postp一个d to a time that would be suitable 并且对形势敏感.


主题: “Textual Analysis and Philosophical Interpretation in Cross-tradition Philosophical 接触”


主办单位及赞助单位: 圣何塞州立大学比较哲学研究中心

学术顾问: 国际哲学期刊 比较哲学

时间: 2020年4月8日,星期三

地点: 美国圣何塞州立大学金图书馆255会议室

The “比较哲学 Forum” is a workshop series, initiated by the Center for 比较哲学 at San Jose State University in cooperation with the international philosophy journal 比较哲学 in 2020, to provide the interested scholars, who reside in the Bay Area of North California or travel to this area, with an effective critical-discussion forum on various jointly-concerned issues/topics in comparative 哲学(以跨传统比较的方式研究哲学).

Its first workshop, the 2020 workshop, will be held at San Jose State University on 2020年4月8日. (其未来的研讨会可能由其他感兴趣的人赞助/主持 旧金山湾区的机构.2020年的工作坊规模较小(半天或一天, sensitive to situations), intensive-discussion-oriented workshop focusing on the theme “Textual Analysis and Philosophical Interpretation in Cross-tradition Philosophical 接触”, covering a range of related issues concerning the relation between textual analysis (concerning any texts in philosophical inquiries, the Yi-Jing text, Confucian 经文,道教经文,佛教经文,印度教经文等.)和哲学解释 for the sake of cross-tradition engagement in philosophy, which include but are not 仅限于这些:

  • Would there be distinct goals and expectations for textual analysis in distinct contexts of the study of a philosophical tradition (or a though tradition) and of cross-tradition 哲学订婚?
  • Would textual analysis and philosophical interpretation be better treated as two separate stages or distinct but closely related dimensions of 一个 whole process in a comparative 参与项目?
  • How could textual analysis and relevant elements of philosophical interpretation jointly 发挥建设性?
  • How to look at the “external-resources-employing” phenomenon [sometimes labeled “一个-sidedness”, to the effect that 一个 (adequately or excessively) employs more or less “external” and/or “present” resources from 一个 side/tradition and/or contemporary scholarship 在另一方面/传统中对目标文本进行文本分析]?
  • 如何看待“泛化”现象[i].e.,一个(充分的或过度的) generalizes some specific part(s) of a target text into a certain “general” ideological perspective that is intended to capture a certain aspect of the textual meaning, together with 一个’s “generalized” evaluative judgments regarding the status of this perspective in the text and/or what kind of issue (unique or jointly-concerned) addressed by this 角度)?

Any interested colleagues are welcome to participate in this workshop (either as speakers 和/或无义务讨论者). 演讲者有两种参与方式. If 一个 is interested in presenting 一个’s own research on the theme for critical discussion, please send an abstract (500 words or less, including references) to the coordinating 团队在 by 10th March; if the topic/content of 一个’s submission is rendered fitting the theme and relevant academic expectations, 一个 will receive the 请于3月20日前通知提交. 或者如果一个人有兴趣成为 a discussant speaker on some part(s) of an already-completed research essay on the issue which has yet to be published but is ready for critical discussion, please notify us at earliest convenience but no later than 1st March; 一个 would then receive the 当前版本的研究论文进行批判性讨论. 不管怎样,一个 is expected to send a relatively detailed outline (or its full-text) of 一个’s paper or discussion note by 1st April 2020 (for the sake of the participants’ warming-up 预演和现场良好的批判性讨论).

有关主机协调的更多信息,请联系 Bo谅解备忘录.