
请注意: Due to current budget conditions, the student 旅游奖 program has been suspended for the remainder of the academic year and will not be approving any applications. 

The 研究生院 is pleased to offer 研究生旅游奖 (GSTA). This 奖 is open to any matriculated graduate student in good academic standing at 菠菜网lol正规平台 who wishes to apply and may be used to support travel to collect data for a program-related RSCA project or to present their RSCA work at a conference or similar 聚会地点. When presenting at a conference, the GSTA may be used for registration fees and other travel costs associated with virtual (up to $500) or in-person up to $1,500) or an in-person international congress (up to $2,000). 提交申请 via an application form and will be reviewed by the 研究生院 in the order they are received. Please submit applications no later than 3 weeks before the travel date for domestic travel and 6 weeks before travel for international travel to ensure a timely review. 请注意 that the GSTA will only pay the approved 奖 amount and only for an 奖 approved 旅行前.

Normally, approved travel expenses are reimbursed following travel. 但是,如果支付 for the travel in advance is an economic hardship, please 在这里菠菜网lol正规平台,我们也许能帮上忙.

Applications for 旅游奖s will be evaluated based on the following priorities:

  • Highest priority – travel to collect data or visit an archive or site to advance an active, graduate program-related RSCA project, or to 出席会议 w在这里 演讲人被邀请作演讲.
  • High priority – travel to provide a contributed talk or perform the student’s RSCA work at a conference or similar disciplinary 聚会地点.
  • Lower priority – travel to present a poster at a conference or similar disciplinary 聚会地点.
  • Not 奖ed – Students wishing only to attend a conference are not eligible for a 旅游奖. Funds for travel that does not advance the student’s graduate 教育 将不予考虑. Travel for study abroad programs is not eligible for this 奖. Preference will be given to travel that significantly benefits your graduate 教育. Please note that the description of how the travel will benefit your graduate 教育 that you submit in your application will be used to assess the merit of 你的建议.


  • A student will be 奖ed at most 一个 GSTA during their graduate career at 菠菜网lol正规平台.
  • Applicants must attach their research advisor's confimation (memo or email) of travel 提交申请时提供支持. 导师必须是 终身教授或终身教授 教员.
  • Travel 奖s are limited to the actual expenses, but in no case more than $1,500 for domestic travel and $2,000 for international travel. 
  • Applicants will be asked to provide full information of proposed work for travel to visit sites to advance an active research project or provide proof of invitation to 出席会议.
  • In all cases w在这里 an 奖 request is above $300, the applicant’s listed RSCA advisor will be sent a memo to 1) approve the travel request, and 2) determine if the advisor, department, or college can match funding requests.
  • Only 一个 student per advisor may be 奖ed travel per fiscal year; however,
    -If an advisor is able to cost match for the student’s travel, 一个 additional student 因为导师可能有资格获得奖励. 
    -If multiple students apply simultaneously, the advisor will be contacted and may either: choose 一个 applicant for the maximum funding amount or split the maximum funding 申请人总数.
  • Partial funding through this program may be supplemented by travel funds from other sources* but in such cases documentation must be provided to assure that the various sources are not funding the same specific expense.
  • Award recipients will be required to create an Open 研究和 Contributor ID (ORCiD) 账户. Registration is free and an 账户 can be created 在这里.
  • Students must ad在这里 to 菠菜网lol正规平台 and CSU travel policies. 可以找到更多信息 在上海州立大学金融和商业服务部工作 网站. 也可参阅 旅游常见问题解答 page which includes details about virtual/webinar travel. 

*Other sources of funding to support graduate student travel include:

  • 教员校外补助金
  • 系或学院旅游基金
  • Student 研究, Scholarship, and Creative Activity (RSCA) 奖助金
  • 联合学生旅游基金(在此申请资金)
  • Conferences often have 旅游奖 programs for students
  • 海岸