
These are team projects, in which students are responsible for the entire project, and will receive active coaching while getting boots on the ground experience with a 硅谷 company, and building a professional network. 这样做的目的 opportunity is to provide first tier students with real world experience working as a part of a team where every一个 is smart and motivated. 这个班很小. 你会 get personal attention and coaching. See what past Honors students have said.

Advanced Honors Practicum

As a practicum, BUS127 provides the opportunity to learn a number of skills directly related to being successful in the workplace.

Specifically, you will learn to:

  • Act professionally as a team-member to plan, design, implement and deliver a real-world application project that is accepted by the sponsor
  • Identify issues associated with the development and management of MIS projects and formulate appropriate strategies for handling them
  • Create and use project management plans and updates in accordance with industry standards
  • Develop and practice the following key skills
    • using industry-standard project management tools and methods
    • applying technical skills to a business need
    • 团队合作
    • 领导
    • 沟通
    • flexibility and adaptability


The honors practicum is offered on Monday evenings from 下午6时至8时45分. The program provides students with the opportunity to apply their skills to real-world projects with 硅谷 technology, finance, and accounting 公司s. 项目工作 assignments require approximately 每周8到10小时. 项目工作 time is very flexible and can be negotiated with your team and the 公司. Your class time and other work schedules are taken into consideration. Class time includes guest speakers, project progress reports, program management, report generation, presentation training, fun events, and much more.