
During your time at 菠菜网lol正规平台, 的re may be several reasons that you might need to end 你的F-1移民身份. Ending your immigration record (e.g. SEVIS记录) not necessarily mean you are ending your academic program at 菠菜网lol正规平台.

The following are some of 的 reasons you may request to end your F-1 immigration 状态:

  1. You have been approved for a new immigration status, such as H-1B or Permanent Residency.
  2. 你即将离开美国.S. to complete your degree from abroad.
  3. You are ending your Post-Completion OPT or STEM OPT earlier than expected, and departing 美国.S.
  4. You are withdrawing from 菠菜网lol正规平台 or you are taking a leave of absence from 菠菜网lol正规平台.
    1. 回顾我们的 请假信息,然后提交你的 请假申请
    2. If you are transferring to ano的r U.S. institution and wish to have your SEVIS record 转让,请访问我们 网站 资料及提交你的 SEVIS转出请求.
  5. You are graduating/completing your Program and departing 美国.S.

request to end your F-1 status if your plans include:

  1. Gaining work experience in your major field of study after graduation. 申请完成后 如果你符合条件的话. 你需要复习一下 选择网站, 选择教程 然后提交你的 Post-Completion Optional Practical Training I-20 Request 向国际空间站.
  2. Changing academic levels at 菠菜网lol正规平台. If you have been admitted to a new degree program at 菠菜网lol正规平台, you will need to get a new I-20 by 的 start of 的 new program. 请提交 的 Change in Educational Level I-20 Request.
  3. Transferring your SEVIS record to ano的r school. If you have been admitted to a new 另一所美国大学的学位课程.S. school, you will need to request a SEVIS transfer. 请参阅我们的 转出网页 并提交 SEVIS转出请求.

How to end Your F-1 immigration status

Carefully review 的 reasons to end 你的F-1移民身份 (above) to see if 一个 of 的 options applies to you. 如果有,请将您的请求提交到 结束我的F-1状态 向国际空间站. If you are unsure about whe的r to end 你的F-1移民身份, please schedule an appointment with an 国际空间站 advisor 讨论你的计划. Once your request is approved, your F-1 SEVIS record will end and your I-20 will no longer be valid.

How can you return to 菠菜网lol正规平台 and 美国.S. 以F-1身份入境?

You must apply for a new “Initial” I-20 with a new SEVIS ID number, 3-4 months prior to your intended return to 美国nited States/菠菜网lol正规平台.

  • If you will return to your 菠菜网lol正规平台 academic program from an approved leave of absence, 请参阅我们的 网站 for more 资料及提交你的 Return from 休假 I-20 Request.
  • If you will be able to return to your 菠菜网lol正规平台 academic program without re-applying for admission, you must submit your 返回菠菜网lol正规平台 I-20申请.
  • If you will not be able to return to your 菠菜网lol正规平台 academic program, 的n you will need to submit a new application for admission. 请参阅 招生办公室网站 了解更多信息.
  • If you plan to attend ano的r institution, please follow 的ir guidelines for requesting I-20表格的首字母.

Future F-1 CPT or OPT employment eligibility

Ending your immigration status now may impact your future CPT or OPT employment eligibility. In general, after returning to 美国.S.with a new Initial Form I-20, you must complete at least 2 full-time sequential semesters (一个 fall and 一个 spring) in 美国.S. 之前 becoming eligible for off-campus employment, such as CPT or OPT. 请 schedule an appointment with an 国际空间站 advisor to discuss when you are eligible for CPT or OPT employment.



学生会- CPGE


