

The 职业治疗科 turned 80 in 2023!

The Occupational Therapy Department celebrated its 80th year of excellence graduating 特殊OTs! We invited our alums to come join us in our celebrations, reconnect with classmates, and attend educational sessions provided by some of our amazing alums.


The Occupational Therapy Program at San Jose State University (菠菜网lol正规平台) was founded in 1943 as 一个 of the first occupational 治疗 programs in the West. 它是最古老的 accredited Occupational Therapy program in the California State University system. Our national reputation for excellence is based on a superior academic curriculum, 杰出的教师和有成就的毕业生.



The Occupational Therapy Program at 圣何塞州立大学 is accredited by the 认证 Council for Occupational Therapy 教育 (ACOTE) of the American Occupational 治疗协会(AOTA). The address is 6116 Executive Boulevard, Suite 200, North 马里兰州贝塞斯达20852-4929. ACOTE的电话号码是301-652-AOTA


acte 10年认证

During the 2015-2016 academic year, our program underwent the careful and comprehensive 重新认可的程序. This required us to submit evidence that our program met the 189 standards established for occupational 治疗 academic programs. 我们非常高兴。 happy to report that the 认证 Council of Occupational Therapy 教育 (ACOTE) awarded us a 10-year accreditation based on the strength of our academic program! This is the longest accreditation period awarded and we are very proud of the accomplishment!



The total number of graduates from San Jose State University during the three-year period 2020 - 2022 was 218 with an overall graduation rate of 96%. 程序的结果 from the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT) can be found 在线.



Participation in meaningful occupation to promote health, well-being, and social inclusion 整个生命周期.


The Occupational Therapy Department at San Jose State University is dedicated to preparing culturally diverse occupational 治疗 leaders who promote health and participation in life for individuals, organizations, and populations through engagement in occupation.


Our vision for the occupational 治疗 department at 菠菜网lol正规平台 is to have a departmental culture that preserves our legacy of excellence in teaching and clinical expertise 通过创新和创造. 本部门将积极参与当地, 国家和国际倡议. 该系将招聘各种各样的教员 and students who will be actively engaged in a dynamic curriculum that integrates 理论与临床学习. 要有适应课程的能力 current and future trends while staying consistent with the core values of occupational 治疗和明确专注于职业. 教师们将参与到强有力的学术研究中 指导教学和临床实践. 毕业生将成为创新者和问题解决者 committed to social and occupational justice who contribute to the evidence base of 这个职业. We will expand our work in the faculty-run clinics and in the community, recognizing that clients and organizations are our partners in delivering occupational 治疗. The community will recognize the department as a valuable resource in empowering people to live life to the fullest through engagement in occupations.


The Occupational Therapy Department supports social and occupational justice. We believe in the right of every individual to be able to meet basic needs and to have equal access and life opportunities to reach their potential. 我们将挑战叙事 and actions that run counter to diversity, equity and inclusion. 我们承诺 to developing strategies that empower people, communities, and populations, and advance 职业公正与社会变革.



Occupational therapists help people participate in the things they want and need to do through the therapeutic use of everyday occupations. 职业治疗是一种 field in which 一个 can bring together a variety of interests -- medicine, psychology, psychiatry, work activities, music, art, dance, and crafts (adopted by the Representative Assembly, 美国职业治疗协会, March 7, 1981).



The term "occupation" means all the activities that occupy meaningful day-to-day living, 包括工作、自我照顾和休闲. 职业治疗是一种健康专业 that helps people who have been affected by accident or injury, disease, aging, developmental delay, or psychological disability to make the necessary lifestyle changes to become 更加自给自足和独立. 职业治疗师的工作范围很广 of settings, including hospitals, rehabilitation centers, nursing homes, public and private schools, community organizations and programs, outpatient clinics, day care facilities, patient homes, corporations, and private practice.

Download the 职业治疗简介 for MSOT










OT Online Giving - click to make a gift to the OT Dept. 下面.



The Central Classroom Building (CCB) is located on 7th Street and between Paseo de San Carlos and Paseo de San Antonio Streets; the building next to the new Health 大楼和学生会大楼前.
