Give to the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Department of Physics and Astronomy

Donations the Department of Physics and Astronomy, in the form of both financial support and in-kind gifts of equipment and supplies, have a tremendous impact on the quality of education for our students and available research opportunities. We cannot thank you enough for your support! Gifts can be accepted in a variety of different forms including m一个tary donations, equipment and supplies donations, and the establishment of endowments and scholarships.

M一个tary Gifts

Recurring or 一个-time m一个tary gifts can be made to the Department of Physics and Astronomy by using the University's secure giving portal and specifying that your gift be directed to the Physics Discretionary Fund. Use the shortcut link below.

Give Now to Physics

Endowments and Scholarships

Endowments and scholarships can be established in the name of family members, other individuals, or businesses. For more information, contact Prof. Peter Beyersdorf, Chair of the Department, at 彼得 with the words "Endowments and Scholarships" in the subject heading.

Recurring or 一个-time donations to the Physics Department Scholarship Fund more broadly can also be accepted. 访问 the link below.

Give Now to Physics Scholarships

Equipment and Supplies

In-kind donations of equipment and supplies provide valuable life-blood to our experimental and theoretical research programs. See our Research page for more information on active projects, and also the specializations listed under each faculty member by name under the Physics and Astronomy Faculty Directory. To initiate a donation offer, contact the faculty member of interest and/or Prof. Peter Beyersdorf (the Department Chair) at 彼得 with the words "Equipment Donation" listed in the subject heading.