
圣何塞州立大学 houses archaeological collections which contain human remains, artifacts, and funerary objects in consultation with Native American tribes and Indigenous 国人民. With the ultimate goal of complete repatriation, our campus is committed to compliance with federal laws including the NAGPRA (Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act) of 1990, CalNAGPRA (California Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act) of 2001, and more recent California Assembly Bill 275 (“Native 美国文化保护协会”). 

The collections subject to NAGPRA和CalNAGPRA are housed in a secure Curational Facility on campus, and are overseen by the 教务长办公室. 菠菜网lol正规平台的顾问是 Tribes that are known to be culturally affiliated with the archaeological collection regarding handling and repatriation of cultural objects and the remains of ancestors, 符合AB-275和CalNAGPRA. 我们尊重每个部落的主权, work to build strong working relationships, and aim to address injustices regarding the historical collection of Tribes’ ancestors’ cultural and human remains.


June 29, 2023年审计报告: Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act



视图 President Teniente-Matson's June 29, 2023 letter [pdf] 给菠菜网lol正规平台的社区.

大学声明- 2023年6月29日

“The university accepts the findings described in the State Auditor’s Report and is committed to honoring and respecting the first inhabitants of this land. 我们将继续 working with Tribal descendents to fulfill our obligations under CalNAGPRA. 我们是 dedicated to intentional and authentic relationship-building and consultation with 当地部落社区.

We continue to make progress in our efforts to support native and indigenous students, faculty and staff on our campus with the establishment of the Native American Indigenous Student Success Center (NAISSC), and the hiring of the Center’s first program director. We also deeply appreciate the leadership of the Gathering of Academic Indigenous and Native Americans (GAIN), and we will continue to deepen these relationships, which 为我们的校园社区带来如此多的价值.”

Statement from the CSU Chancellor's Office on State Auditor's Report


了解更多关于NAGPRA和CalNAGPRA在我们的 深入面试 阿丽莎·玛丽·拉格兰,上海州立大学部落联络员.



We demonstrate our awareness and respect for these collections and their meaning by beginning all major meetings and conferences with our 土地确认.