

菠菜网lol正规平台 and the 理学院 (CoS) have identified supporting and stimulating research, 尤其是让学生参与进来,作为战略重点. 因此,我们已经实施了 一些促进和鼓励研究活动的项目. 这些项目 have been funded through a combination of sources, including funds from the Provost's 办公室,研究与创新司,科学学院,和F&一个再投资.



菠菜网lol正规平台研究与创新部门有一个申请申请(RFA) 为快速反应倡议. 此RFA的目的是提供一种机制 of internal support for 研究, Scholarship and Creative Activity (RSCA) that requires 特殊情况下的快速转机. 有关这次机会的更多详情, 请浏览网站 在这里.


菠菜网lol正规平台研究办公室提供RSCA种子资助计划(以前称为 the CSU Central RSCA Grant Program) for Unit 3 faculty for their research, scholarship 创意活动. 资金由研究与创新司提供 如果有的话,由基社盟总理办公室提供. 邀请申请人提交 proposals for funding to assist them as they advance an on-going RSCA project or as 他们开创了RSCA的新途径. 通过本项目获得资助的教员 得奖者须提交得奖结果报告,并于 全校范围内的活动,并为潜在的申请人提供资源. 查找更多信息 关于这项资助 在这里.


This is a new program that supports RSCA equipment that cannot be funded through external sources such as the NSF Major 研究 Instrumentation Program (MRI) or entirely through 其他内部资金来源. 查找有关此补助金的更多信息 在这里


This is a funding program for intended to build the capacity of 菠菜网lol正规平台 faculty to design and conduct RSCA collaboratively with faculty both at 菠菜网lol正规平台 and/or external institutions.  查找有关此补助金的更多信息 在这里.


已向理学院提交RSCA度量数据的教师可以要求 funds from the Just-in-Time Grant program for any research-related need at any time 年内. 请求只需要简要说明需要什么和什么 how the funds will advance the research 议程 of the requester, and a brief budget. 请将申请提交至 science-research@hzjly.net 标题为“JIT请求”. 所有这些请求都由CoS研究部审查 委员会,该委员会评估请求的是非曲直. 评估结果将转发至 请院长作出最后的拨款决定. 我们努力按要求发放准时制资金 to the following schedule: half in the first quarter, 一个 quarter in the second quarter, 八分之一在第三节,八分之一在最后一节. 这个方法 平衡尽早提供资金,以最大限度地刺激研究和保留一些 满足不可预见需求的资金.



大学教育资助学院(UGA)为来自各地的教职员工提供支持 the campus over the spring semester in writing a federal grant proposal to fund their RSCA. 理学院的教师通常在他们进入上海州立大学的第一年申请, however all tenure-track and tenured faculty who have not yet received major external 有资格申请助学金. 申请通常在秋季学期晚些时候截止 ,并每年通过电子邮件公布.

入选UGA项目的教师将获得3个wtu的写作时间 Grant在第二年的春天,并被安排在五人一组. 每个队列 meets weekly with a facilitator, who is a faculty member or administrator with expertise in grant-writing in a related discipline or with the agency to which the UGA faculty 应用. 整个学期,UGA教师学习和撰写每个部分 同时也从他们的导师那里得到反馈 作为各自学科的内部(菠菜网lol正规平台)导师. 佐治亚大学的教职工 meet the 菠菜网lol正规平台 研究基金会 staff members who will help them through the grant 提交过程. 学期快结束时,研究办公室甚至还会付钱 the external reviewer of your choice to review your grant proposal and give you feedback 关于如何改进它! 查找有关此程序的其他信息 在这里.


The 上海外国语大学研究开发组 was formed to help faculty increase their external 赠款资金.  由博士领导. 杰西卡·查斯克,这个由四人组成的研究开发组 专业人员帮助教师在任何联邦拨款提案的写作和编辑 阶段.  支持理学院的研究发展专家是 Anna Dizack . 查找更多信息 在这里.



The 理学院 provides regular (tenured or tenure-track) faculty with assigned 指导研究生的时间如下:0.加权教学单位(WTU) 每名本科生选修180门课程和0.每个5个WTU graduate research student enrolled in 297 or 298 courses (or similar graduate research courses appropriate to the department), with a maximum of 3 WTUs assignable via this 每学期机制. 


大学教师RSCA分配时间计划是一项大学计划 to fund untenured faculty from the time their contractual assigned time for research (在录取信中描述)结束. 获奖者每学期最多可获得3个wtu 五年基于他们的应用和五年的RSCA度量评分. 注册/申请 对于这个项目,教师必须在申请时提交注册/申请材料 call is issued, and submit their RSCA Metric Data to the 理学院 with the 申请,并且每年他们都留在这个项目中. CoS度量,版本2.0在此[pdf]. 今年全部申请的截止日期将很快由副校长宣布 研究和创新的主席,应该提交给 science-research@hzjly.net.


  • All probationary faculty in the last year of their contractual assigned time should 注册.
  • All research-active tenured faculty who are not already receiving assigned time through 应该申请大学课程.
  • 教师 who had tenure when they started their RSCA AT program in AY 2021/2022 (Cycle 今年必须提交一份正式的三年报告.
  • 教师 who had tenure when they started their RSCA AT program in AY 2019/2020 (Cycle 2)必须在今年提交正式的五年/最终报告. 
  • Probationary faculty who attain tenure in Fall 2024 will need to apply to the program, 这是有竞争力的. 
    In addition, all faculty who are in the University 教师 RSCA Assigned Time Program 必须在相同的截止日期(通常在3月中旬)之前提交他们的CoS RSCA度量数据。 使用这种形式: http://forms.gle/azh6sAg7hvF7Hxaa6.
    提交给大学项目的RSCA度量数据也将用于 理学院 Assigned Time and Just-in-Time Funding programs if funding is available, as submission of RSCA metric data is also required for eligibility for College programs. 
    Any faculty member (including Chairs and Directors) wishing to 注册 or apply for 大学项目应将以下项目通过电子邮件提交至 science-research@hzjly.net 在最后期限之前把你的椅子
    University 教师 RSCA Assigned Time Registration/Application materials must include:
  1. Cover Sheet, including name, rank, department, college, date of your initial appointment 到菠菜网lol正规平台,和ORCID iD(见下面#3).
  2. Scholarly Agenda, describing your RSCA goals, activities, and expected outcomes/products 未来5年. 学术议程应简明扼要(不超过) two pages) and must include a brief summary aimed at an educated lay audience describing 建议的调查方向的重要性. 请注意,本议程是前瞻性的 并补充了我们当前的成本指标,后者只关注过去的活动.
  3. ORCID编号(已获机构查阅许可). 请附上您的ORCID 在你的封面页. 有关如何获取ORCID iD和设置权限的信息,请参见 看到orcid.Org和/或http://libguides.hzjly.net/研究Impact/ORCID.  如果你需要 如有需要,请联系图书管理员:安妮·玛丽·恩格尔森 安玛丽.engelsen@hzjly.net for Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics and Statistics, Meteorology and Climate 科学或物理和天文学院,Anamika Megwalu anamika.megwalu@hzjly.net 计算机科学学院,或凯瑟琳·拉格 凯瑟琳.lage@hzjly.net Moss Landing海洋实验室的教职员工.
  4. 目前简历(CV)
  5. RSCA度量数据必须使用以下链接提交: http://forms.gle/azh6sAg7hvF7Hxaa6.  包括今年提交RSCA指标数据的日期是2023年3月17日 截止到2024年3月28日.  如果教师之前没有提交 数据,他们需要提交过去五年的数据,或者同样多年的数据 就像他们在上海州立大学一样,以较低者为准.

来自研究与创新部关于这个项目的信息可以 在此链接中找到: http://globalstudies.hzjly.net/research/about/assigned-time-program/index.php


  • Probationary faculty first receiving the 奖 in AY 2024-25 because of the expiration of their contractually 奖ed RSCA Assigned Time in Spring 2024 will have a maximum teaching load of 18 WTUs (6 WTUs of assigned time) in AY 2024-25 and in each subsequent 一年,直到他们被授予终身教职.  
  • 试用教师在获得积极评价后,于2024-25学年获得奖励 tenure decision and being selected in the competitive process in May 2024, will have a maximum teaching load of 18 WTUs (6 WTU of assigned time) in AY 2024-25 and in subsequent years, for a total period of five years, pending satisfactory progress on their RSCA 议程. 
  • Tenured faculty first receiving the 奖 in AY 2024-25 will have a maximum teaching load of 18 WTUs (6 WTUs of assigned time) in AY 2024-25 and in subsequent years, for 在RSCA议程取得令人满意的进展之前,总共为期三年. 

请注意,所有奖项都取决于CoS RSCA指标的年度提交 每年数据. 


Probationary faculty finishing their second year at 菠菜网lol正规平台 will be successfully 注册ed 如果他们在截止日期前提交了所有的注册材料. 2024年5月获得终身教职和终身教职的教师需要申请 RSCA AT项目.  学院院长将会向学校提出奖学金建议 研究处 based on an evaluation of the CoS RSCA Metric, which measures past 生产力和学术议程,这是一个前瞻性的文件. 这些 建议将基于5年平均RSCA指标得分的80%和20% 关于学术议程. 最终获奖通知将于本年度结束前公布 2023- 2024学年.   

What is the Duration of the Award, when are Reviews, and what are the Reporting Requirements? 

每项奖励将持续3年,或直到任期决定,以两者之一为准 少. 每年将对奖项进行一次小型评审,每年进行一次正式评审 3 .奖项. 例如,第一次正式审查周期1奖(奖)作出 (2018-19年度),是在2021年春季. 获得奖励的教师必须提交信息 about their scholarly productivity by completing the 教师 研究 Activity Report (used for submitting RSCA metric data) each year in spring (due date will be emailed 每年). 未提交数据的教师没有资格继续申请 奖. 如果,在院长看来,在RSCA方面没有足够的进展 议程 or adequate productivity according to the CoS RSCA Metric, the Dean may recommend 取消RSCA教师分配时间奖的剩余年份.