教师 & 人力资源

学生的行为 and Ethical Development works in partnership with faculty and staff across various departments at San José State University. 教师 and 工作人员 are encouraged to submit a reporting form when they believe a student has violated the 学术诚信 Policy [pdf] 和/或 学生的行为 Code [pdf]


学生的行为 Reporting Process

To report a conduct issue, please fill out the 学生的行为 Code General Reporting FormOnce the alleged violation is reported to our office, 学生的行为 and Ethical Development may initiate the 学生的行为 process (每 第1098号行政命令 ).


学术诚信 Reporting Process

使用 学术诚信 Reporting Form to report all potential violations of academic dish一个sty (cheating and plagiarism) 如《 学术诚信 Policy [pdf].

If you suspect a student has violated the 学术诚信 Policy, follow the steps 下图:

  1. Inform the student that you have concerns with the assignment and you would like to 讨论它. If more than 一个 student is involved, meet with each student individually. Ask each student to bring a copy of their work and their reference materials to the 会议.
  2. If you have identified the sources yourself, have them available for reference during 会议.
  3. From this 会议 the instructor should get a sense of how the student constructed the assignment or that he/she did violate the academic integrity policy.
  4. Fill out the online reporting form for violations to the 学术诚信 Policy. 
  5. The Reporting form will allow you to pick the Academic Sanctions listed 下图:
    • 口头谴责
    • 重新赋值
    • Lower Grade on the Evaluation Instrument (assignment, test, quiz)
    • Failure on the Evaluation Instrument (assignment, test, quiz)
    • Reduction in Course Grade
    • Failure in Course Grade
  6. The instructor must also indicate if they wish for the report to be Statistical Purposes Only or Recommend for Additional Administrative Sanctions.
  7. Attach all supporting documentation to the 学术诚信 Reporting Form.
  8. When referring a case to 学生的行为 and Ethical Development, faculty are reminded that the burden of proof is on the faculty member to demonstrate that the violation 发生.



教师 will receive an email stating that 学生的行为 and Ethical Development has received the report and will be notified of the outcome by email once the process 已经得出结论.


Managing Students with Disruptive Behavior

This guide was prepared for 菠菜网lol正规平台 faculty and staff by 菠菜网lol正规平台 咨询服务. In cases of direct threat to you or others, call the University Police Department at 408-924-2222 immediately.

What Constitutes Disruption?

"Disruption," as applied to the academic setting, means behavior that a reasonable faculty or staff member would view as interfering with normal academic functions.

Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Persistently interrupting or using disrespectful adjectives in response to the comments 别人的.
  • Use of obscene or profane language.
  • Persistent and disruptive late arrival to or early departure from class without permission.
  • Physical threats, harassing behavior, or personal insults (even when stated in a joking 方式).
  • Use of personal electronic devices such as pagers, cell ph一个s, PDAs in class, unless it is part of the instructional activity.

学生的行为 & Ethical Development recommends contacting the Center for 教师 Development for further guidance when dealing with disruptive behaviors in the classroom. 你 can find additional resources on the 菠菜网lol正规平台  Counseling and Psychological Services 网站.


Need to Consult with Some一个?

教师 members and staff are educators, and we all strive to be helpful and caring.  Sometimes, being forced into another role (such as counselor or friend) by a student situation can be uncomfortable. In such situations, consider consulting with campus resources that may be helpful in resolving issues with the student.  一系列支持 services and information are available to faculty, staff, and to students.

The staff at 学生的行为 & Ethical Development provides information and support regarding application of the 学生的行为 Code [pdf].  Referrals can also be made to 咨询服务Accessible 教育 Center,和 监察员.