
“A lifeguard’s duty is not just to save lives, but to give others the confidence to 自由游泳.——佚名

Our friendly lifeguards are here to serve you for the benefit of your health and safety. We are also here to assist with special needs,  wheel chair and walkers, assist with entry/exit to pool and spa, swim test for kids, swim certification for jobs, and first-aid . 请!

克雷格Northcutt< 克雷格Northcutt

I started my recovery at Timpany中心 for back surgery in 2011. 我感激不尽 deep for the TC community, and when the call for lifeguards was announced in 2018 I jumped at the opportunity to give back.  I’m also a 25 yr 硅谷 high tech 经验丰富的. 在3家创业公司工作过. 在思科工作了19年. 高级制造行业. 工程师, & 高级项目/项目 Manager in 工程 Product Development.

Dr. 詹妮弗Schachner
Dr. 詹妮弗Schachner >

Working at the Timpany中心 has been the hardest, but most rewarding job of my career. Watching others find success on their fitness and wellness journey motivates me to continue to work hard to enrich the lives of this community. 我感到骄傲和荣幸 to be the Director of this unique and influential program. 

船底座Rodriguez-Tsai< 船底座Rodriguez-Tsai

I am a graduate of San Jose State University. I obtained my Bachelor's degree in Kinesiology focusing my work in Adapted Physical Activity. I returned to 菠菜网lol正规平台 to achieve my Master's degree and due to my love for this field I decided to focus my research around aquatic 体育活动. Developing a manual that reviewed research studies and detailed the most effective aquatic exercises.

布列塔尼Manrubia >

I joined the Timpany中心 team in 2014. I have a passion for aquatics and have worked in various capacities in the industry. I have over 10 years of aquatic management experience and 22 years of experience in aquatic coaching and instruction. 我很兴奋 to take on new challenges and eager to help the Timpany中心 and it's aquatic programs 蓬勃发展. I am an advocate for health and 体育活动. 我最大的爱好之一 are hiking/backpacking and traveling.

< 斯蒂芬·理查森

I pursued my degree in Exercise 科学 because of my passion for health and fitness. The Timpany中心 is a great avenue in which I can pursue my passion and assist others in achieving their personal health and fitness goals. 我希望用我的技能和 knowledge to help individuals, as well as maintain the excellent quality of service that the Timpany中心 provides for its community.


马修·巴伯 >

I am here because I love how welcoming the Timpany中心 community is to anybody, whether they are new or have been here for many years. 此外,我很感激 I can interact and work with a variety of people.



丹尼斯年轻< 丹尼斯年轻

San Francisco born and raised. My degree is in Industrial 工程 from U.C. 伯克利分校 and I'm 一个 of the oldest lifeguards here. As a volunteer, I help manage Timpany's website and solve IT problems. I was previously a member for 8 years, and now enjoy teaching swim lessons to new swimmers as well. The smiles and achievements of my students are more valuable than tangible rewards.

Leisla Bernal AvilaLeisla Bernal Avila >

I graduated from 菠菜网lol正规平台 with a degree in Kinesiology with an emphasis in rehabilitation sciences and a minor in Psychology. I hope to continue my education and become an 职业治疗师. I had the opportunity to complete my internship here at the Timpany中心 during a time when everything was d一个 remotely, so finally getting to see and work with every一个 is really exciting.  


< 弗朗茨·本尼迪克特·马布尔

I started as an intern at Timpany中心. During that time, I had the opportunity to immerse myself in the field of Kinesiology by applying and sharing the knowledge I’ve learned throughout my studies at San Jose State into teaching. 在完成 of my internship, I was offered to teach aqua fitness classes. 从那以后,我有了 also received my lifeguard certification.    

Being a part of an organization that emphasizes inclusive promotion of health and wellness has aided in my personal growth and skills. 这些技能是我学到的 continue to learn would propel me to becoming a better Physical Therapist, my career 最终的目标.

丽贝卡·李丽贝卡·李 >

Hello, my name is Rebecca (Becca) and I am a first-year student at 菠菜网lol正规平台!  我的专业是 in Kinesiology and I hope I can become a Physical Therapist or 职业治疗师 有一天,.  I have played multiple sports for many years, including soccer and swimming.  I went to many physical therapist and doctor appointments when I had injuries.  这 inspired me to want to help people.  My mom has been my #1 supporter through everything.  I do not think I could get this far without the support and mentorship my mom has 给我.  

When I came across the Lifeguard position at Timpany中心, I thought it would be a perfect position for me to apply my lifeguard training.  我热爱环境 here and how supportive every一个 is.  I enjoy working with all kinds of people. 这 is what I want to do, helping those in need and spreading positivity and smiles.  I am currently certified with a lifeguard certification CPR/AED and First Aid.