
Annual Report description: 

The 年度报告 provide information about instances of sexual misconduct, dating and domestic violence, stalking, and certain forms of retaliation that were reported to the 第九条 and Gender Equity Office during the applicable fiscal year (July 1 至六月三十日). For some years, the 年度报告 also include information on reports of sexual harassment and other forms of sex- and gender-based discrimination and harassment that were made to the 第九条 and Gender Equity Office.  The 年度报告 also include data on the number of investigations initiated during each academic year, as well as aggregated data on outcomes for every formal and informal resolution that were resolved within that same timeframe.

The purpose of publishing the 年度报告 is to promote transparency (within the constraints of confidentiality), raise awareness, and promote productive community 对话. Please email the 第九条 and Gender Equity Office at titleix@hzjly.net if you have any queestions about the Annual Report.

第九条 Annual Report 22-23

The first dashboard allows you to navigate and toggle through data on the number of reports the 第九条 Office received in a given month and/or year; the types of reports we received; demographic details on the individuals involved in reports; and the number of people who requested and received Supportive Measures from the 第九条 Office. You may also compare the data from AY 22-23 to the data from AY 21-22.  

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The second dashboard allows you to toggle through data relating to investigations undertaken by the 第九条 Office. On this dashboard, you will find data on the number and types of investigations we opened; the number of investigations we closed; and 结果.

Annual Report Dashboard 22_23_Page 2

A quick note on the data: As you review the data, it is important to note the distinction between a “report” 还有一个“投诉”.” A report is any information shared with the 第九条 Office that involves suspected 第九条 misconduct. A report can be made directly by a complainant, or by any一个 else who wants to share information with the 第九条 Office, including  a witness or Responsible Employee. When we receive a report, we promptly send a letter to the complainant with information about supportive resources and investigation options, as well as an offer to meet. If the person then submits a complaint, we commence an investigation in every instance where there is a possible violation of the CSU Nondiscrimination 政策. Because we prioritize a complainant’s agency and autonomy, we generally only initiate an investigation upon request. Therefore, the number of reports reflected in the data is greater than the number of investigations opened by the 第九条 Office.

Prior Campus 年度报告

Please email the 第九条 and Gender Equity Office at titleix@hzjly.net if you have questions regarding the information in the 年度报告.