Ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, considering the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts. [University Learning Goals: Broad Integrative Knowledge, Intellectual Skills, Social and Global Responsibilities]

(Assessed in AE171B, AE172B)


Recognize ethical and professional responsibilities.

Outcome Performance Indicators:

4.1.1: Be familiar with the various professional codes of ethics (e.g. 全国,ASME).

4.1.2: Properly acknowledge the work of others by citing all sources when writing 报告.

4.1.3: Given a job-related scenario that requires a decision with ethical implications identify possible courses of action, discuss the pros and cons of each 一个, decide on the best course of action, and justify their decision.


Make informed judgments taking into consideration the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.

Outcome Performance Indicators:

4.2.1: Discuss the impact of aerospace vehicles in a societal context. 使用适当的 references to support their arguments.

4.2.2: Discuss the impact of aerospace vehicles in a global context. 使用适当的 references to support their arguments.

4.2.3: Describe the economic impact of aerospace vehicles, including those designed in course projects. Use appropriate references to support their arguments.

4.2.4: Describe the environmental impact of aerospace vehicles, including those designed in course projects. 使用适当的 references to support their arguments.