
的 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 35.130的规定,要求 that all special programs, entertainment 事件s, social 事件s, lectures and similar 事件s offered by 美国niversity must be held in architecturally accessible locations, 包括那些在校外举办的活动. 这些事件也必须是程序化的 方便残疾人使用. 这可以通过规定来实现 such as interpreters for people who are deaf, assistive listening devices or capti一个d videos for hearing impaired people, large print, E-text, or braille handouts of programs 为视障人士而设.

Use this general 指南 to assist you in making your 事件s accessible to all attendees. Please ensure that all personnel in your department who plan or sponsor 事件s receive 一份指南副本. For a comprehensive 指南 to 事件 accessibility, visit 美国.S. Department of Justice's Accessible Information Exchange: 在公平竞争的环境下会面 指南.

邀请函语言 & 宣传材料

All registration materials and promotional fliers announcing 事件s should state that your 事件 is 方便残疾人使用 (see sample language below). It is suggested that you ask participants to request accommodations or identify their needs well in advance of the 事件, so that you can plan and recruit service providers 满足他们的需求. If no request has been made, you may not be required to provide 特别设施(e).g., if no advance request is received for a sign language interpreter, you may not have to provide this service*). 然而,你必须提供 physical access to your 事件 ensuring that individuals with mobility impairments 能出席(指? 在公平竞争的环境下会面) for details on ensuring an accessible 事件 space) and have assistive listening 设备可用.

*Note: This depends on the type of 事件 and the degree to which the 事件 is open 对校园/公众. For example, 事件s that are offered 到 entire campus must provide sign language interpreters whether or not a request is received.

Sample language for registration/promotional materials is as follows:

“这个活动是轮椅无障碍的. Individuals requiring Sign-Language Interpreters, Real-time capti一个rs, or other accommodations should contact XXXX Department/Office 电话:(408)924-XXXX或emailgoeshere@sjsu.尽快."


For visually impaired participants, all materials should be available in large print, 音频,或按要求提供盲文. Instruct presenters to verbally describe any visual 他们使用的艾滋病. Escort service to meeting room or restroom(s) may be necessary. 的 participant who is visually impaired may need assistance reading menus or obtaining 食物取决于地点.


Sign language interpreters, real time captioning and assistive listening devices should 应要求提供服务. Understand that deaf callers may communicate their registration and questions through the use of the California Relay Service (to use the service, callers with TDD should dial (800) 735-2929; those without TDD should dial 800-735-2922.)

Should an individual request a sign-language interpreter/real-time capti一个r, refer 到 充耳不闻 & Hard of Hearing Program for the departmental request process for Sign-Language 口译员/实时Capti一个rs(失效链接). 请参阅 菠菜网lol正规平台 Event Process for Requesting Interpreting or Captionind Services for additional 信息. Note: 的 菠菜网lol正规平台 DHOH requires a two week advance notice of all requests.


If you are posting promotional materials in the form of electronic documents (e.g., a PDF document) on a website or sending them out via email, make sure they are accessible to persons using assistive technology to read the documents. 的指导 make electronic documents accessible, visit the Center for 教师 Development's 资源 for 可访问性.


If you are creating a website for your 事件, be sure it is accessible to persons 利用辅助技术. If you are simply posting a picture of your promotional flyer/posters on到 website, be sure to provide alternative text for the image. 有关web可访问性的资源,请访问 无障碍网页计划.


If your presenter is using a powerpoint presentation, if possible, email an accessible electronic version of the powerpoint to attendees prior 到 事件. 如果不是的话 possible to make presentation materials available prior 到 事件, notify attendees where they can access an accessible electronic version of the presentation after the 事件.

Be sure to remind presenters to vocalizing all points made on slides so that individuals with disabilities who cannot read the slides can hear the 信息 from the presenter.


Make sure your 事件 is accessible to wheelchair users. 下面是一些基本问题 帮助你做计划.

  • 无障碍通道和座位:  Are aisles wide enough to fit passage of a wheelchair?  椅子是各种各样的吗 areas within the seating arrangement for people in wheelchairs to sit with the group?
  • 去除突出的物体:  Are there protruding objects, such as sign boards in pathways or a trash can holding open a door, blocking the clear path of a wheelchair user?
  • 可使用的桌子/柜台高度:  Are your tables and service counters at a lowered height for wheelchair user access?