Environment and Disasters


首席研究员(s): A.J. Faas, Co-PI Anne Wein (USGS)

Client/Partner: US Geological Survey

Summary: In partnership with the US Geological Survey (USGS), we are working with community organizations and groups in the South and East Bay to study and interpret the production, 谈判,减少危险、灾难和脆弱性. This is a citizen science project that directly involves non-professionals in the production of scientific knowledge about their cities and communities, which we hope to apply in projects intended 减少脆弱性、危害和灾害风险. 为了实现这些目标, 我们正在与社区团体试行新的参与性方法.

Funding: US Geological Survey

Timeline: 2019-2022

Student Opportunities: 有机会获得资助的学生研究助理和个人 学生硕士项目和论文. Please contact Dr. A.J. Faas (aj.faas@hzjly.net).

Student Researchers: Jhaid Parreno, Gabbie Fall, Noemie Gonzalez Bautista(博士后)


首席研究员(s): A.J. Faas

Client/Partner: Japantown Prepared!

Summary: 与日本城合作!,一个备灾组织 San José’s historic Japantown, we are designing anthropologically-informed organizational development projects to improve organizational structure and community participation, 以及改善日本城家庭和社区层面的备灾能力. Deliverables to-date include: a preparedness and response “block captain” initiative, website and social media development, a community disaster supplies depot, community festival tabling and outreach, an organizational branding project, a business preparedness program, a marketing project, and an ethnographic study of preparedness in Japantown. New projects include a household preparedness survey and designing and implementing 新的参与式准备活动.

Funding: 劳拉·古德资助支持本科生研究和项目,研究生资助 graduate student research

Timeline: 2017-2022

Student Opportunities: 有机会获得资助的学生研究助理和个人 学生硕士项目和论文. Please contact A.J. Faas at aj.faas@hzjly.net.

Student Researchers: Vanessa Castro, Brandon Alvarado, Nicole Angulo, Bryan Arcadia, Essay Beyene, Nicole Bradley, Cameron Chan, Troy Clark, Nancy Diaz, Madeline Dickson, Maranyeli Estrada, Alyssa Gil, Matthew Hodson, Kiyoshi Ito, Mardi Khin, Patrick Kim, Wendy Kwong, Chelsea Lance, Nayeli Lopez, Jeovany Martin, Leonicio Mejia, Cristian Mesias, Roger Mountha, Wendy Myvett, Victoria Nguyen, Kelly Phan, Lluvia Ramos, Joshua Rivera, Maylea Saito, Jodi Tran, Janet Trujillo, Brian Truong,余少杰

Project: Cascading Impacts and Cooperation in Disaster, Displacement, and Resettlement in the Ecuadorian Andes

首席研究员(s): A.J. Faas

Summary: This is part of an ongoing, longitudinal study of two post-disaster resettlements and one community of displacees that returned to rebuild their village at the base 活跃的层状火山,山. 通古拉瓦,在1999年撤离后,再次 2006. 在这个项目中,我们正在调查灾难的历史产生 vulnerability, state and nongovernmental recovery and reconstruction strategies, the politics of disaster and recovery, gender and work in resettlement, and the role of 灾害应对和恢复方面的合作和地方适应. In addition, we are currently working on a “knowledge in action” project that involves summarizing and presenting the range of published findings from this project into creative and 为参与研究的社区提供有用的可交付成果.

Funding: National Science Foundation (2009-2013), 菠菜网lol正规平台 Undergraduate Research Program, Laura Good Grant for Undergraduate Research, 菠菜网lol正规平台 社会科学学院 RSCA Grants

Timeline: 2009-ongoing

Student Opportunities: 有机会获得资助的学生研究助理和个人 学生硕士项目和论文. Please contact A.J. Faas at aj.faas@hzjly.net.

Student Researchers: Zaida Aleman, Kristen Constanza, Briza Díaz, Citlalli Hernández, Abril Pérez-Gonzaga, Daniel Maldonado, Edher Zamudio


首席研究员(s): J.A. English-Lueck (菠菜网lol正规平台)

Client/Partner: 硅谷文化项目

Summary: This project is primarily an academic research project, although it has implications for the forecasters at the Institute for the Future and the Food Innovation program.  Building on more than 25 years of ethnographic inquiry into the cultures of Silicon Valley, the project looks at the lives of workers who participate in the countercultural and artistic life of Silicon Valley, and the research, design and implementation of 食品、农业和清洁技术方面的努力.  物联网和虚拟现实技术 将传感器和生活体验结合起来.  这些研究人员正在采访 艺术家和工程师,社区倡导者和设计师更好地理解如何 他们将自己对未来的独特愿景与工作结合在一起. What values 这些工人是带着他们的工作吗? 地理学教授Kerry Rohrmeier正在合作 探讨硅谷与火人节之间的关系.  English-Lueck is also teaming up with interested alumni, undergraduate and graduate researchers, 大众传播学院的蒂娜·科拉尼记录了这些故事.  The project will result in an academic production such as a book and article, and a co-authored innovative virtual reality installation and proceeding article for the Southwestern 人类学协会会议等场所.

Funding: 菠菜网lol正规平台 RSCA,卡内基等待

Timeline: 2018-2021

Student Opportunities: There are opportunities for individual undergraduate student projects and graduate 280 and MA projects. Contact J.A. English-Lueck at Jan.English-Lueck@hzjly.net.

Student Researchers: 埃拉·巴宾,谢丽尔·考恩,吉莉安·费里尼,伊恩·托雷斯,安德鲁·马利,丹尼尔·E. Maldonado, 凯文·科切弗,贾斯敏·洛,梅勒妮·贝利,克里斯托夫·冈萨雷斯.


首席研究员(s): J.A. English-Lueck (菠菜网lol正规平台); Chiara Cecchini (Food Innovation Program) and Sara Smith (Future Food Lab, Institute for the Future)

Client/Partner: Food Innovation Program, University of Bologna; Future Food Lab, Institute for the Future

Summary: 我们参与了一个多年的项目,这个项目是由一个资助项目演变而来的 未来研究所和谷歌食品实验室. 旧金山湾区的做法 a distinctive food culture that is connected to its agricultural and immigrant past and present.  烹饪融合,食品创新,城市农业和工艺食品生产 flourish in corporate cafes, restaurants, food tech startups, and resident networks.  The legacy of social movements in the region link food production, preparation, consumption 从废物管理到“为善而食”的理念.“这样的努力被捕捉到了 人种学,策划和传播给我们的合作伙伴.  One partial product of this collaboration has been the documentary, Food Makers, which was recently shown 在旧金山的意大利风格电影节上. Students have presented 他们的数据在西南人类学协会.

Funding: 不知道,未来可能提供资金

Timeline: 2017-2020

Student Opportunities: There are opportunities for individual undergraduate student projects and graduate MA projects. Contact J.A. English-Lueck at Jan.English-Lueck@hzjly.net.

Student Researchers: Anthropology 107, Eating Culture, the Anthropology of Food, undergraduate students 从2017年、2018年、2019年和2020年开始.  Ella Babin, Cheryl所做的其他相关工作 Cowan, Clemy Bebb, Tim Rodriquez, Veronica Rodriguez, Ashley Estrada and Milton Canas-Chinchilla.

Project: Effects of Cumulative Disasters and Practices of Social Support and Mutual 在COVID-19大流行期间,圣何塞州立大学学生的援助

主要研究员: A.J. Faas, Co-PI Melissa Beresford

Client/Partner: [in development]

Summary: This is an ethnographic, descriptive study intended to compare the COVID-19 pandemic experiences and social support and mutual aid practices of 菠菜网lol正规平台 undergraduate students 有灾难经验的和没有灾难经验的. Specifically, we are addressing empirical gaps in disaster studies using a research framework organized around the investigation of 1) how changes in awareness are brought about by past disaster experiences; 2) how new awareness may or may not lead to new capacities, strategies, and skills; 3) how these new capacities, strategies, or skills do or do not translate into responses to the COVID-19 pandemic; and 4) the varieties of social support (dyadic) and mutual aid (collective) practices people engage in and how they 使这些做法适应COVID-19的社会距离措施.

Funding: U.S. 国家科学基金,自然灾害中心,文化和 灾害行动网络(CADAN)

Timeline: Ongoing

Student Opportunities: 有本科生实习和硕士项目和论文的机会 使用和/或建立在这个数据集之上. Please contact A.J. Faas or Melissa Beresford.

Student Researchers: ANTH 149人种学方法学生,克里斯蒂娜·帕迪拉