
DH 555


  • Ph.D. State University of New York, Stony Brook, Anthropology, 1997. "Pattern 和Process in North 美国 Plesiadapiform and Early Euprimate 多样性."
  • M.A. State University of New York, Stony Brook, Anthropology, 1993.
  • M.A. University of California, Berkeley, Paleontology, 1989. "The Taphonomy 和Paleobiology of Roehler’s Coryphodon Catastrophe Quarry, Washakie 盆地,怀俄明."
  • A.B. University of California, Berkeley, Anthropology, 1983.


Macroevolutionary patterns and processes in primate evolution, particularly the effects of climate and geography on taxonomic survivorship in primates; stable isotope methods in ecology and paleoecology, particularly within the context of studying environmental disturbance; primate conservation; taphonomy and sampling bias in the fossil record; computer-based paleodiversity models.


  • 麦基,E.M., & W.F. 特恩布尔. 2007. Coryphodon lobatus (Mammalia: Pantodonta) from Deardorff Quarry, Piceance Basin, Colorado .在准备中.
  • 麦基,E.M., W.F. 特恩布尔, & W. S. 辛普森. 2007. Coryphodon lobatus (Mammalia: Pantodonta) from Deardorff Quarry, Piceance Basin, Colorado : Additional 证据 Coryphodon paucisspecific Death assembly.”
  • 麦基,E.M. & S.E. 沃恩. 2007. Biogeochemical effects of anthropogenic disturbance on Propithecus edwardsi (Primates: Indriidae) from Ranomafana National Park in southeastern Madagascar . 美国 杂志 of Physical Anthropology Supplement 44: 168.
  • 麦基,E. 和S.E. 沃恩. 2006. Stable isotope analysis: a technique for evaluating ecological change in disturbed habitats. International 杂志 of Primatology 27 (补充1):499.
  • 索托,J.G.阿南德,S. 麦基,E. 2004. Plagiarism avoidance: an empirical study examining teaching strategies. 杂志 of College 科学 Teaching. 33:42-48.
  • 麦基,E.M. 2003. 什么是灵长类动物? 美国 Biology Teacher 65:313-318.
  • 麦基,E.M. 和S.E. 沃恩. 2003. Variations in stable isotope composition in 爱德华丙鱼 from disturbed and undisturbed rainforest habitats in Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar . 美国 杂志 of Physical Anthropology Supplement 36: 149-150.
  • 麦基,E.M. 2002. Intraspecific dental variability in cf. Coryphodon anthracoideus (Mammalia: Pantodonta) from Roehler’s Coryphodon Catastrophe Quarry, Washakie 盆地,怀俄明 . 落基山脉地质37:61-73;
  • 麦基,E.M., S.E. 沃恩和P.C. 莱特. 2002. 稳定同位素组成 爱德华丙鱼 from Talatakely and Vatoharanana in Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar . 美国 杂志 of Physical Anthropology Supplement 34:110.
  • 麦基,E.M. 2001. 大量死亡的积累 Coryphodon anthracoideus (Pantodonta: Mammalia) from Roehler's Coryphodon Catastrophe Quarry (Lower Eocene, Wasatch Formation, Washakie 盆地,怀俄明); pp. 317-333 in (G.G. Gunnell ed.), Eocene Vertebrates: Unusual Occurrences and Rarely Sampled Habitats, Plenum Press, New York.
  • 麦基,E.M. 赖特,P.C. 2001. 稳定同位素组成 爱德华丙鱼 from Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar . 美国 杂志 of Physical Anthropology Supplement 32:106.
  • 麦基,E.M. 1999. An analysis of b一个 orientation at the Cleveland-Lloyd Dinosaur Quarry using vector analysis: a new spin on an old technique. 脊椎动物杂志 古生物学19:62A.
  • 麦基,E.M. 和P.L. 科赫. 1997. A second look at the extinction of the plesiadapoid plesiadapiforms. 杂志 古脊椎动物学17:64A.
  • 麦基,E.M. 和L.B. 马丁. 1995. Chance and the taphonomy of the hominoid assemblage from the middle Miocene 土耳其帕萨尔的遗址 . 杂志 of Human Evolution 28:325-341.
  • 麦基,E.M. 1995. Evolutionary Equilibrium and the Clarkforkian/Wasatchian Boundary. 古脊椎动物杂志 15:42A.
  • 麦基,E.M. 1994. Geography and the Evolution of Euprimates 和Plesiadapiforms in the Western Interior 北美洲的 . 古脊椎动物杂志 14:37A.
  • 麦基,E.M. 1994. Faunal turnover in plesiadapiforms and early euprimates from the Western Interior 北美洲的. 美国 杂志 of Physical Anthropology Supplement 18:143-144.
  • 索,R.R., G.M. Jacquez N.L. 奥登,CO迪乔瓦尼,A.B. Falsetti E. 麦基, B.A. 汤姆森. 1993. Genetic relationships of European populations reflect their ethnohistorical 亲和力. 美国 杂志 of Physical Anthropology 91:55-70.
  • 麦基,E.M. 1993. Roehler的分类 Coryphodon Catastrophe Quarry (Lower Eocene, Wasatch Formation, Washakie 盆地,怀俄明 ). 古脊椎动物杂志 13:49A .
  • 麦基,E.M. 1991. Happenstance: a new branch of taphonomy? 古脊椎动物杂志 11:46A.