仪表 in the facility


A picture of laboratory equipment

The Agilent 6520 Quadrupole Time-of-Flight LC/MS instrument features:

  • 20-20,000米/z范围
  • Attomole-level敏感性
  • Better than 2-ppm mass accuracy at MS level and 5-ppm mass accuracy at MS/MS level
  • 3-4 orders of magnitude in-spectrum dynamic range enabling identification of less-abundant compounds in the presence of more-abundant compounds
  • Fast MS and MS/MS spectral acquisition improving the identification of unresolved 复杂样品中的组分
  • Fully Automated for overnight sample runs




The AKTA净化器  features the following:

  • Sample injection volumes from 1 ml - 50 ml
  • Flow rates up to 10ml/min and up to 25 mPa pressure
  • Fully automated with fast and efficient purification
  • Full range of columns available in the facility
  • Compatible with some HPLC Columns
  • UV-VIS, conductivity, and pH monitoring of samples


Modulus I and II Plate Readers


The Modulus II Multi-Mode Plate Reader from Turner Bio系统s has the following features:

  • 读取6-384格式的车牌.
  • Heated Chamber from 2º to 45º C above ambient temperature .  The chamber is also configured with a factory-installed shaker that allows for either linear or orbital shaking.
  • Touchscreen display for interaction. Preprogramed with all Promega Assays that are currently available that work with plate readers and has options for user defined 项目. Data is easily transferred using a USB Drive and USB Stick.  所有文件都是 易于在EXCEL中打开.
  • A Fluorometer with detection limits of 0.5 fm/200 µl of fluorescein in 96-well plate and a linear dynamic range of 6 logs.  The fluorometer has the following detection modules: UV (Ex 365 nm, Em 410-460 nm), Blue (Ex 460 nm, Em 515-580 nm), Green (Ex 525 nm, Em 580-640 nm), and Red (Ex 625 nm, Em 660-720 nm).
  • A Luminometer with a detection limit of 3 x 10-21 moles of Luciferase and a linear dynamic range of > 8 logs
  • Absorbance Detection for both UV/VIS Spectrum.  UV-Visible Absorbance Detector with six-position Filter Wheel, six-installed Filters (260, 280, 450, 560, 600, 750 nm)
  • The Modulus I has the same features as II except it is not temperature controlled 而且盘子不能摇晃


TYPHOON Trio Imager with Computer

实验室设备图片The Typhoon™ Trio unites proven storage phosphor autoradiography technology with four color fluorescent labeling techniques for maximum data quality in a single, high-throughput 系统. For DNA, RNA, and protein samples, users can choose from:

  • storage phosphor autoradiography
  • direct green (532 nm) excited fluorescence
  • direct red (633 nm) excited fluorescence
  • direct blue (488 nm) excited fluorescence
  • 化学发光,化合光


ETTAN DIGE 2D Gel Apparatus and Analysis Software








Computer  Workstations for Data Storage and Analysis

Picture of a computer workstation

Quad Core Computer Workstations with 1TB hard drive  and 4GB of Memory with the following 软件/硬件包:

  • 4TB backup (Double redundancy)
  • office 2010女士
  • 激光打印机的打印机
  • 3in1 Printer, Scanner, and Fax
  • METLIN Personal Metabolomics Database
  • Spectrum Mill Proteomics Database
  • IQTL (Image Quantitation for Typhoon)