Spring 2019 CS会谈

The Computer 科学 Department at 菠菜网lol正规平台 is sponsoring an industrial talk series to help connect students with ideas, people, and opportunities. They will be held every Tuesday at 1:20 in MH 225 starting a couple of weeks into the semester and finishing 在期末考试中.

We will have some refreshments starting at 1:20 with 谈话 starting at 1:30. 在那里 will be time to mingle with other students and visiting speakers before and after 谈话.

日期 演讲者 公司 主题
2月- 12 - 2019 Nada Attar, Philip Heller, Jon Pearce, Katerina Potika, ben reed 菠菜网lol正规平台 Kickoff and elevator pitches for research ideas from some of the 计算机科学教师
2月- 19 - 2019 Florian Pestoni InOrbit Robotics and automation are changing the world
2月- 26 - 2019 艾伦•盖茨 Cloudera The History of Apache Hadoop and Big Data
3月- 5 - 2019 拉奥斯利 脸谱网 Building a Scale-Out Analytics Platform: YARN++ Experience
3月- 12 - 2019 Vinay您正在 UnifyID Machine Learning's fourth frontier: (Motion) Sensors
3月- 19 - 2019 菲利普Shilane 戴尔 Protecting Your Data
3月- 26 - 2019 阿里Dasdan Poynt How to scale a startup by 10x quickly
2019年4月- 2 春假   春假
2019年4月- 9 坦尼娅Lindermeier topgirlcoder So, you got a degree in computer science, now what?
2019年4月- 16 推迟了    
2019年4月- 23
 Lyft  Reliability as an 工程 Career