

Most people by now have heard about blockchain, and the news coverage regarding Bitcoin, Ethereum, and crypto currency in general. There are a plethora of talks, courses, and tutorials on these topics. It can be challenging to make sense of all the buzzwords, technologies, platforms, and services available. This talk will focus on the fundamental constructs and unique properties of blockchain - ledger, immutability, consensus (Proof-of-Work, and Proof-of-Stake) and smart contracts. We will also cover blockchain types (public, private/consortium), blockchain myths, and some of the most popular use-cases.

Attendees will gain intuition and a basic understanding of how blockchain’s fundamental properties are achieved, and how blockchain is being used today beyond crypto-currency 应用程序. Blockchain is poised to transform the way we interact with the world 在我们周围. Join us and learn the fundamentals of this disruptive technology that is shaping the future of business.


Dr. Ponceleoìn is a computer scientist, information security expert and innovator. She is currently a Principal Scientist at Gilded, a fintech startup with the mission of making physical 黄金 digital, mobile and usable every一个. 在镀金,她领导着镀金 Trust Ledger, a private permissi一个d blockchain that records client’s ownership of 黄金.  She is a former Principal Researcher at IBM Almaden Research Center where she managed the Information Security Group. In that role she was instrumental in the adoption and deployment of IBM’s broadcast encryption technology by the Advanced Access Content 系统(aac). AACS is Blu-ray’s Content Protection Standards Consortium. 在 Apple Computer, Inc, she contributed to QuickTime Conferencing’s video/audio compression and to the research project Piles, that would later inspire Apple’s Stacks View.

Her broad interest across different disciplines include security, blockchain, numerical analysis, and natural language processing. She holds 60+ granted patents 50+ publications. She has been recognized with prestigious IBM internal awards such as Master Inventor, Best of IBM, Corporate Award, and Member of IBM Academy of Technology. 她是 recipient of YWCA of 硅谷 Tribute to Women (TWIN) Awards, honoring women who exemplify excellence in executive positions.

Dr. Ponceleoìn earned her master’s and PhD in Computer 科学 from Stanford University and her BS (Cum Laude) in Computer 科学 from Universidad Simoìn Bolivar in Caracas, 委内瑞拉. Recognizing the importance of a mentor, all along her career she has been passionate about encouraging and mentoring underrepresented minorities to engage in 计算机科学.


Tuesday, May 2, 2023 @ 1:30 in MH 225