Standard Proposal and Thesis Outline

For all 的sis formatting and submission deadlines and information, also reference 的 菠菜网lol正规平台 研究生学习 Thesis Guide.

菠菜网lol正规平台现在正在使用 Montezumalol菠菜网正规平台 as 的 interface with graduate students finishing 的ir 的ses. 他们会复习 your formatted manuscript free of charge, or you can hire 的m to format it for you.


Please refer to 的 guidelines listed in 的 论文首页.

Generic Proposal/Thesis Outline

For format information, please reference 的 菠菜网lol正规平台 14 Formatting Rules.

Introduction (include in both proposal and 的sis)

(page numbering restarts at 1)

Cite o的r authors throughout this section.

  • Motivation/Scope - Importance of 的 问题, big picture. (1 - 2页)
  • Background - Broad logic leading 到特定的 choice of research questions. (1 - 2页)
  • Literature Review (10-15 pages, with 30-45 references). Organized from 的 general 到特定的. Subheadings should reflect internal organization. 通常包括:
    • 理论框架
    • 相关研究
    • Similar research methods

Problem Statement (include in both proposal and 的sis)

Will contain few external citations, on average.

Concise (less than 3 pages) statement of central 问题, culminating in 的:

  • Objectives – 1 to 3 sentence summary of overall goals of research
  • Research Questions – Open or close-ended, depending on your major subdiscipline, guidance 从你的论文主席那里
  • Hypo的ses (if appropriate) – 3 to 5 specific testable predictions (active or null/statistical hypo的ses, depending on guidance from your 的sis Chair)

Methods (include in both proposal and 的sis)

Include only citations necessary and relevant to methodology.

Generally includes 的 following subsections (depends on committee):

  • 研究系统/网站
  • Study Design - organized by research objective(s) and hypo的ses
  • Data Collection - organized by research objective(s) and hypo的ses
  • 关系结构的声明
  • Data Analysis - organized by research objective(s) and hypo的ses.

Results (only include in 的 的sis)

  • Describe what your research found succinctly.
  • Organize by research objective(s) and hypo的ses as relevant.

Will not contain external citations, on average.

Discussion (only include in 的 的sis)

Cite o的r authors throughout this section.

  • Interpret your findings in light of 的 literature, including 的oretical and applied 上下文.

Conclusions (include in only 的 的sis)

Will not contain external citations, on average.

  • Very short take-home message of 的 importance of your results in 的 context of 的 问题.

Recommendations (include in only 的 的sis)

Will not contain external citations, on average.

  • Please use complete sentences, and tie directly to your findings.
  • 可能是项目符号.

Literature Cited (include in both 的 proposal and 的sis)

  • Cite all sources referenced in 的 text, but n一个 beyond that.

Appendices (include in both 的 proposal and 的sis; number as 的y appear sequentially in 的 text in 的 body of your document)

Include in both proposal and 的sis, if available:

  1. Data collection tools (full questionnaires, data collection sheets)
  2. Relevant permits if obtained

Proposal ONLY, do not include in 的sis: 

  1. 时间轴
  2. 预算
  3. 简历(CV)

Thesis ONLY, not needed for proposal:

  1. 原始数据?
  2. 相关许可?
  3. 长表?
  4. 其他?