
Geoscientists give back to people and the planet

Geoscientists tackle some of our planet’s most urgent environmental problems, including climate change, water pollution, and sea level rise. Geoscientists also increase our society’s resilience to natural hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, and volcanic 火山喷发. Finally, geoscientists are instrumental in developing alternative forms of energy so that we can decrease our dependence on fossil fuel; this type of work includes developing hydrothermal resources and finding the best places to install 风力涡轮机.


Geoscientists pursue a wide range of interests

Are you interested in predicting earthquake risks? How about determining how much 我们剩下的地下水? Maybe you’d like to use fossils to figure out how modern ecosystems will respond to climate change? You can do all of this - and much more -拥有地球科学学位. Geoscientists conduct 研究 on a variety of topics and at a broad range of spatial and temporal scales, from the motion of tectonic plates over millions of years to the response of a creek after a large storm. 此外, geoscience 研究 often intersects with other fields, such as biology, atmospheric sciences, and the social sciences. 教师 at 菠菜网lol正规平台 help students gain experience in all of these facets of the geosciences through coursework and 研究 opportunities.



Many of our students’ fondest memories are of field trips taken in beautiful spots 在加州. These outings are always memorable because they offer students a chance to get to know their classmates and professors outside of the classroom. Department barbecues and game nights provide further opportunities for socializing and being part of a community. We also have an active, student-run 地质俱乐部 that holds weekly lunchtime meetings during which local geoscientists present their 研究. Finally, because we have small class sizes, every student gets individualized attention in a collegial and collaborative atmosphere.



A Geoscience degree will launch you toward 丰富的就业机会 in 一个 of the fastest growing fields, with a median nationwide annual salary of approximately $100,000 and the potential to earn much more.  In addition to rewarding careers in environmental and geotechnical consulting, our graduates have been employed by NASA, 美国.S. Geological Survey, and the Santa Clara Valley Water District. 此外,由于 our graduates have strong analytical backgrounds, they have also found work with local high-tech companies such as Apple. The pie chart below shows the wide spectrum of job opportunities available to graduates with a Geoscience degree.

pie chart geology jobs with a bs

Source: American Geoscience Institute 2017 survey

Support for the next generation of geoscientists

Learn more about careers, internships, and professional societies, and affinity groups 在这些链接上. Many organizations have free student memberships or you can ask your faculty mentor for help finding financial support to join affinity groups.