Congratulations to AEPG 获奖者 for 2022-2023



Congratulations to all of the faculty awardees for an Artistic Excellence Programming 补助金为2022-2023年!


Since this initiative began in 2018, it's grown into the H&全校A级行动 initiative that focuses on melding teaching, research, and public programming to involve students and our surrounding San Jose community in the engaging public programming 我们的大学录取. These grants allow us to maximize students’ exposure to and interaction with high-quality, diversified programming in the performing, visual, literary, and 烹饪艺术. The 锤剧院 and other performing venues on campus offer an opportunity for 菠菜网lol正规平台 to create a co在这里nt arts and culture programming series that invites students to have hands-on experiences with world-class professionals.

我们继续我们的主题 可持续发展的未来 and 包容倡议: Racial Equity and Social Justice.

Bring Students into the Collaboration

While AEPG faculty are planning next year's events, we encourage as many other faculty as possible to read the descriptions, to get involved, to engage their students in the event's ground-floor creation (instead of only as passive viewers later in the 观众.) Read the proposal descriptions all of these exciting events 在这里.

Many of the events engage with topics that are important for student conversations on LGBTQIA identity, production of 非功能性测试s, representations of Japanese cultural identity, popularity of video games, diversity of punk rock, ecology of water, extemporaneous 音乐 & performance poetry, celebrations of linguistic diversity, game design and 音乐...还有更多!

As event details are finalized, they will be entered into the 菠菜网lol正规平台 事件 Calendar and then publicized in the Dean's Monday Mailers. But, don't wait for that last minute notice! If you're interested in integrating 一个 of these events into your courses for AY 2022-2023, please contact the coordinator now. 我们有一个 bank of teaching materials and assignments that you could easily adapt into your curriculum.

To see an example of a cross- and interdisciplinary AEPG project that invites students as the knowledge co-creators, check out Reiko Kataoka's (Linguistics & 语言发展) 项目,“The Meaning of Linguistic 多样性." Do you want to collaborate with an AEPG coordinator on a particular event?

Watch for all of these AEPG events in upcoming classes, on stages, across campus, and throughout the San José area next year starting in August 2022.



  • Selena Anderson (English), "CLA Presents: Joy Williams"
  • 安德里亚·贝歇特(电影 & Theatre), "Passage by Christopher Chen"
  • 安德里亚·贝歇特(电影 & Theatre), "The Hunchback of Seville by Charise Castro Smith"
  • 杰弗里·本森 & Sandra Bengochea (Music), "Considering Matthew Shepard"
  • 艾瑞尔·伯尼(电影 & Theatre), "Rasquache Aesthetic to the Max: Asian Americans & 墨西哥裔美国人/朋克”
  • 柯尔斯滕·勃兰特(电影 & Theatre), "INTO THE WOODS, 音乐 and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim, 詹姆斯·拉平的书
  • Erica Buurman (Beethoven Center), "Music and dance of the eighteenth-century ballroom: A creative motion-tracking project"
  • Fred Cohen (Music), "Kaleidoscope!"
  • Pablo Furman and Aaron Lington (Music), "Spontaneous Combustion – The Art of Extemporaneous Composition [in Music, Art, Literature & 口语,戏剧 & 技术)”
  • Sam Gollestani(电影 & Theatre), "A September To Remember"
  • Molly Hankwitz and Katherine Cushing (Art & Art History), "Life of Water/Water is 生活”
  • Rhonda Holberton and Chelsea Thompto (Art & Art History), "What the [bleep] is an 非功能性测试?"
  • 片冈玲子(语言学) & 语言发展), "The Meaning of Linguistic 多样性"
  • Aaron Lington (Music), "Black Cab Concert Series"
  • Nadia ("Addie") Mahmassani and J. Michael Martinez (English), "Alchemy: Poetry in 性能”
  • 尼克·马丁内斯(电影) & 剧院),“Nisei”
  • Virginia San Fratello (Design), "Robots + Design Workshop: Roberta Meet Ani"
  • Raha Shojaei(电影 & Theatre), "Whose Ears Are You Listening With?"
  • Alan Soldofsky和J. Michael Martinez (English), “Feeding Our Hunger: Poetry Responds to Food Insecurity/Sharing Our Food and Culture(s)"
  • 马修·斯潘格勒(电影 & Theatre/Communications), "Contesting Anti-Muslim Racism through Theatre: Lisa Zahra’s Baba Jan' and Christy Lefteri, Nesrin Alerfaai, and Matthew Spangler’s 'The Beekeeper of Aleppo'"
  • David Vickerman (Music), "The Art of Video Game Music"

以前的AEPG项目 & 获奖者

To read about the more than 500 wonderful AEPG-supported events and programming since 2018年,请看我们的 以前的获奖者 以及项目报告. For articles and information on Public Humanities & 艺术, 查看我们的 资源


If you're interested in applying for AEPG funding for 2023-2024, watch 这个空间 for the release of the new request for proposals in November 2022 and announcement 博士的. 凯瑟琳·D. Harris' informational sessions and open office hours to brainstorm about creating a robust, collaborative project. 

-作者:凯瑟琳·D. 哈里斯公司(2022年3月11日)