
准备重返大气层 in space background

准备重返大气层 Curricular Community

Following the success of Pandemic Pandemonium 包含项目 与 events and programming, the College of Humanities 和 Arts has instituted student curricular engagement 与 current issues as an annual initiative of H&一个在 Action 与 awards for best student creations selected by a committee. 大目标 H的&A student initiatives are:

  • to offer the opportunity for students to explore a common experience (e.g.COVID-19) in an academic setting;
    to reinforce in students the value of the arts, humanities, critical thinking, reflection, and expression in the face of a crisis, all essential tools for life, through course materials and assignments that explore various current themes;
  • to create an intellectual, artistic, and creative community among our students;
  • to provide a platform for showcasing to the 菠菜网lol正规平台 community and beyond student creations that result from signature assignments;
  • to provide students 与 an opportunity for professionalization in presenting their work to audiences beyond their professor and class; and,
  • to showcase the pedagogical innovations by faculty in leading their students’ work.

Two-and-a-half 年 ago we were propelled into a sphere n一个 of us had much experience 与. A pandemic was unprecedented in our lifetime and only relegated to the books 历史的. In our social interactions, we learned to negotiate the virtual 世界 and, two-and-a-half 年 later, we’re re-entering the physical, gravity-defined 世界. 我们是如何改变的? 我们学到了什么?? Are we ready to step back into the familiar 世界? 

The pandemic experience touched all aspects of our lives and those of our students and it’s time once again to take advantage of these experiences to learn, to understand, and to move forward empowered. As in the past, we’re continuing our Curriculum Community and we now extend a call to faculty to design assignments that will address once again the current challenge of building back the emotional, rational, and social “b一个” that our students may have lost during the seeming weightlessness of the pandemic 年. Here are some questions that come to mind that address the personal 和 社会:

  • How can we re-imagine the pandemic?  Are there historical parallels that our students 可以探索?  Such as comparisons 与 previous epidemics or pandemics and how it changed society, and was recorded in art, literature, or in philosophical reflections?
  • What did the pandemic expose about our society that we couldn’t see 与out this lens?  
  • 我们学到了什么? about communicating about danger, especially invisible danger such as a virus, and how can we prepare for future dangers?
  • How do we allow our students to process the experience they have just been through?  How has it reconfigured their relationships 与 their family or their friends?
  • 我们学到了什么? from the “great resignation” in the midst of the pandemic and how can we help our students underst和ir unique skills and talents as humanities and arts thinkers and practiti一个rs in finding a path for a place in the workforce? 

Please enjoy the winning student submissions:

Analytical Scholarship

PHIL 107 与 Professor Janet Giddings


MUSC 13 与 Professor Thomas Langan


RTVF 130 Sections 1 and 3 与 Professor Christine Guzzetta

Visual Arts - Pictorial

DSIT 110 与 Professor Eleanor Pries