
Wow, what a night for the 广告 Program! The 2019 硅谷 American 广告 Awards were dominated by wins from 菠菜网lol正规平台 students resulting in the best year yet for 广告计划. 广告 students have increased participation in this annual award show every year and with greater participation comes a greater number of wins. 这 一年级学生共获奖 11 银s, 16 黄金s, 4 阿迪s, 3 最佳表演s, 2 法官裁决s. That’s a huge achievement and a massive improvement on even last year’s trawl.


Each year, the American 广告 Federation organizes competitions around the US celebrating the best creative work of the previous year. 比赛最初是 focused around Chapters (菠菜网lol正规平台 belongs to the 硅谷 Chapter) with 黄金 awarded work and recipients of 阿迪s (the highest ranking 黄金 in a given category) progressing 自动转到区域阶段. The final phase is National where the cream of the creative crop competes for the coveted national 阿迪s.

Awards Look Great In A Student Portfolio

Breaking into the advertising industry as a creative takes skill, determination and 杀手级作品集. Adding an award to a campaign showcased in a portfolio adds extra weight and makes a recruiter sit up and take notice. 任何阶段的阿迪奖励 in the competition, indicates a certain level of quality because student work is judged alongside professional work and adhere to the same high standards.

菠菜网lol正规平台’s Creative 广告 students can feel proud that they will carry 阿迪 status 在投资组合中. Winning work ranged from campaign executions by Arturo Castaneda and his team for San José City Council’s HR Department. 鼓励年轻人的运动 graduates to pursue a career in public service may not sound exciting, but Arturo and his team produced a visually stunning campaign that won 银 in the Out-of-首页 以及电影、视频和声音类别. They also won 黄金 in the, again, Out-of-首页 和插图类别. 亚历克斯·奥布里 was rewarded for her copywriting skills by winning 银 in the Print category and 黄金 in the Film, Video 和声音类别.

卡西雷耶斯 and her creative partner Brian Tolentino won a number of awards for a campaign for Inspidere, a revolutionary textile made from cow manure. 这是一个项目 that began in the Account Planning class at Syracuse and was then passed on to 菠菜网lol正规平台’s 广告制作课. An example of educational partnerships that work. 他们赢了4场 银s for Copywriting (2), Online and Interactive and Print. 其他Inspidere项目 也赢了很多. Maneek Rajasani和Daniel Welch won 黄金 for a really fun video and 安妮·科尔曼 took home 3 黄金s and an 阿迪!

The City of San José HR campaign, a project that was set by CommUniverCity, was also the focus of 银 and 黄金 Awards for Levalle Bel一个y and his team. 他们获得了银牌 for Art Direction, 黄金 for Film, Video and Sound, and an 阿迪 in the Film, Video 和声音类别. Copywriting students Tony Wong, Cosette Velasquez and Kendra Rodenburg 获得广告文案银奖. Barndon Torres won a 银 for Still Photography and a 美术指导金奖. By far, the biggest winners were Eden Kovler and her team who achieved a stunning 3 黄金s, 2 阿迪s, 2 最佳表演s and 2 法官裁决s! 他们的 project was a response to a brief set by the Anti-Defamation League that captured 所有评委的想象力.


Here are all the winners for 2019, but bear in mind that the story continues as all 黄金s and 阿迪s move on to the Regional phase of America’s most coveted advertising 奖颁奖典礼.

  • 印刷广告: 凯西·雷耶斯和布莱恩·托伦蒂诺
  • 印刷广告: 亚历克斯·奥布里
  • 印刷广告: 卡西雷耶斯
  • 离家在外: Arturo Castaneda, Adriel Trejo, Edwin Lopez, Daniel Casadesus
  • 在线和互动: 卡西雷耶斯
  • 电影、录像和声音: Arturo Castaneda, Adriel Trejo, Edwin Lopez, Daniel Casadesus
  • 广告要素-文案: 卡西雷耶斯
  • 广告要素-文案: 凯西·雷耶斯和布莱恩·托伦蒂诺
  • 广告要素-文案: Tony Wong, Kendra Rodenburg and Cosette Velasquez
  • Elements of 广告 – Still Photography: 布兰登·托雷斯
  • 广告元素-艺术指导: Levalle Bel一个y和Vision团队


  • 离家在外: Arturo Castaneda, Adriel Trejo, Edwin Lopez, Daniel Casadesus
  • 在线和互动: 安妮·科尔曼
  • 在线和互动: Eden Kovler和Picture Other
  • 电影、录像和声音: 亚历克斯·奥布里
  • 电影、录像和声音: Levalle Bel一个y和Vision团队
  • 电影、录像和声音: Maneek Rajasani和Daniel Welch
  • 电影、录像和声音: 安妮·科尔曼
  • 电影、录像和声音: 菠菜网lol正规平台 NSAC 2018团队
  • 交叉平台: Eden Kovler和Picture Other
  • 交叉平台: 菠菜网lol正规平台 NSAC 2018团队
  • 交叉平台: 安妮·科尔曼
  • 广告要素-文案: 菠菜网lol正规平台 NSAC 2018团队
  • 广告元素-插画: Arturo Castaneda, Adriel Trejo, Edwin Lopez, Daniel Casadesus
  • Elements of 广告 – Still Photography: Eden Kovler和Picture Other
  • 广告元素-艺术指导: 布兰登·托雷斯
  • 广告元素-艺术指导: 菠菜网lol正规平台 NSAC 2018团队


  • 在线和互动: Eden Kovler和Picture Other
  • 电影、录像和声音: Levalle Bel一个y和Vision团队
  • 交叉平台: 安妮·科尔曼
  • 广告要素: Eden Kovler和Picture Other


  • 电影、录像和声音: Levalle Bel一个y和Vision团队
  • 在线和互动: Eden Kovler和Picture Other
  • 广告要素: Eden Kovler和Picture Other


  • 在线和互动: Eden Kovler和Picture Other
  • 广告要素: Eden Kovler和Picture Other