
Earlier this semester, Professor 约翰Delacruz and 17 菠菜网lol正规平台 students were able to fit in a visit to New York City on a trip organized by the Spartan 广告 Club. 的 club takes a trip every year, typically lasting 5 days in length. 纽约市是 undeniably a media hotspot, making it the perfect location for learning the industry 的广告. 的 group spent their days visiting agencies and their evenings enjoying the city’s tourism, with stops at galleries and exhibitions such as "Vida Americana: Mexican Muralists Remake American Art" at the Whitney.

This year they were able to make stops at 5 different agencies, with each offering something new to be experienced: FCB Health, 的 Working Assembly, Havas Health & 你,TBWA和万熠传媒. It was a priority to visit a variety of agencies in order to allow students to get a feel for the diversity of the industry.

Students saw it all from a startup with a dozen employees to global agencies occupying 曼哈顿有很多房产. This ensured the full range of the advertising industry 包括在旅行中吗. One of the most memorable moments of the trip, according to Delacruz, happened when the group spent time at Havas Health & 你. 学生们 were allowed on the production level, which gave them an incredible firsthand look at the development of everything from virtual reality to print.

Aside from an incredible traveling opportunity, this trip was an extraordinary chance for students to network with recruiters, both in person and on LinkedIn. 说话 with media professionals face-to-face offers a more personal and memorable way of 建立连接. Notably, the students were able to meet with a recruiter 在福特汉姆大学.

的 feedback I get most invariably is "now I know what I want to do with my life."

——教授. 约翰Delacruz


Tony Wong,广告俱乐部主席

Andrea Perez,广告俱乐部董事会成员