
The following online resources were selected and annotated by Ignat Ayzenberg (2019) and Vicki Harrison (2022-23). Please contact me with suggested additions/corrections 这些资源.



菠菜网lol正规平台图书馆 | The 菠菜网lol正规平台 library provides each student special research guidance in Judaica.

Jewish Studies Library 指南 | Links to Jewish Studies in United States, Israel, Europe, and Australia

Bezalel Narkiss Index of Jewish Art | Jews attract many a stereotype: the “Wandering Jew,” the “International Jew”, the “M一个yed Jew”, even the “Artless Jew.”

犹太虚拟图书馆 | A repository of secondary and primary sources, documents, and pictures, with emphasis 关于现代史


The YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe | East European Jewish life and culture before, during, and after its total destruction 大屠杀中

犹太百科全书 | The first major modern undertaking to encapsulate the Jewish experience categorically


American Jewish Committee Archive | At the forefront of political issues concerning world Jewry of the past century

American Jewish Historical Society | On Jews of North America

Center for Jewish History Digital Collection | The virtual epicenter of Jewish history and memory

数字犹太文物 | The major collection of publications, books and periodicals, housed in Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany⁠—going back to the original printing press of Johannes Gutenberg

Friedberg Jewish Manuscript Society |犹太-阿拉伯语料库

Hermanns, William papers | 菠菜网lol正规平台 archives house this important collection of the emeritus professor, including his relationship with Albert Einstein.

犹太历史出版社 | Access to hundreds of Jewish periodicals, newspapers, journals, and magazines, in dozens of languages from all over the world in the last three centuries

伊拉克犹太人档案 论伊拉克犹太人

Jewish Digital Archive Project | On Jews of South Africa

J. Archives; The Jewish News of Northern California, 1895-2021

拉迪诺数字档案 | Judeo-Spanish at your finger tips

Magnes Collection of Life and Art | The largest collection of Jewish material culture on the west coast 

利奥·贝克研究所 | The German-Jewish symbiosis 

Rabat Genizah项目 | The Rabat Genizah项目 brings together an international team of community representatives, scholars, archivists, and information technologists to develop a digital archive of Moroccan Jewish documents.

Recalling Jewish Calcutta 论印度的犹太人

Yeshiva University Digital Library | Documents related to Modern Orthodox Judaism, primarily in United States

Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive | The virtual cinema that provides access to films in a variety of categories

意第绪书中心 | Spearheading the revival of Yiddish culture in the 21st century

YIVO Institute Digital Archive on Jewish Life in Poland | The preservation of the Yiddish culture destroyed 大屠杀中 


死海古卷 | The oldest physical attestation for the Hebrew Bible

Sefaria: A Living Library of Jewish Texts | An open-source collection of the major Biblical, esoteric, legalistic, philosophical texts in Hebrew or Aramaic with English translation and commentary

Hebrewbooks.org | The massive private library of the 恰巴/Lubavitcher Hasidic court in Crown Heights section of Brooklyn, New York 

打开Siddur项目 | The most widely influential literary phenomenon in Jewish history was not the Hebrew Bible, but the Siddur - the prayer book, which tied the many scattered communities together, as well as, set them apart

Contemporary Life and Culture

恰巴 | The daily Mitzvah of Torah study

Haaretz |新自由主义者 & old-left Israeli point of view

J. | The Jewish News of Northern California

犹太人的电流 | “Thoughts, Activism, Journalism from the Jewish Left”

犹太自由文化 | The flagship for open-source Judaism

犹太书评 | The academic approach to American Jewish issues

耶路撒冷邮报 |新自由主义者 point of view on Israel

Jimena | Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews; see a new collection of 课程计划, offering resources, as well, on the teaching of antisemitism.

平板电脑杂志 | “A New Read on Jewish Life”

马赛克 | “Advancing Jewish Thought”

Regional, National, International Organizations

AMCHA倡议--an organization that investigages anti-Semitism on college campuses

Ameinu - Liberal Values, Progressive Israel

American Jewish Joint Distribution

American Jewish Peace Archive

Jewish Digital Cultural Recovery Project

Jewish Federation of North America

The Jewish 人 Policy Institute







World ORT - Worldwide 教育al NGO

World Zionist Organization




Nahum Goldman Fellowship

Wexner Field Fellowship