
重要提示:请阅读我们的 如何申请 page for information on applying 菠菜网lol正规平台 and the 音乐舞蹈学院.

On-campus audition dates for the 音乐学院 in Fall 2024:

  • 周六,2024年2月10日-音乐学院,菠菜网lol正规平台
  • 周六,2024年2月24日-音乐学院,菠菜网lol正规平台

Off-campus Southern California audition dates for the 音乐学院 in Fall 2024:

  • 周六,2024年3月2日-尔湾谷学院

Deadline for video audition submission for Fall 2024:

  • 周日,2024年3月3日

Other audition times may be made available on an individual basis. 联系学校 电话:(408)924-4673或 musicrecruitment@hzjly.net

IMPORTANT: Check your email often for communication from 菠菜网lol正规平台 and the 音乐学院 关于安排面试时间.

NOTE: Ensemble placement auditions are spearate from entrance auditions and are held prior to the first day of classes in the fall semester. 确切的日期和时间 在网站上列出了合适的组合. 请联络合奏团总监 欲知详情.


Each music major must declare, with approval of the appropriate applied music committee, a principal performance medium and carry on continuous study in 一个 of the following 领域:

黄铜 木管乐器 字符串 钢琴 打击乐器 的声音
长笛 小提琴      
小号 双簧管 中提琴      
长号 巴松管 大提琴      
次中音号 单簧管 鲈鱼(声学/电动)      
大号 萨克斯风 竖琴      




For transfer students, your audition will place each student at 一个 of the following levels consistent with the 音乐 Program's performance standards:

水平 学习年份









级别5 *












Students may be placed at an applied level below their university standing. 一旦任何 remediation has been completed, a student may request to be placed at a higher performance 水平在他们的常规学期结束时申请陪审团. 

* All students must pass a 菠菜网lol正规平台 Junior Qualifying Jury prior to placement in level 五人或以上.



Auditi一个es will prepare a variety of selections, totaling approximately 20 to 30 分钟.

这是一个 建议试镜材料清单.


Audition/Portfolio Requirement to the BA-音乐技术 Focus

While an emphasis in 音乐技术 may be declared from the freshman year, admission to individual studio arts instruction and permission to advance to upper-division 站立是建立在以下基础上的:

  • Successful completion of first-year requirements in applied lessons on an instrument 或声音.
  • Completion of MUSC 170A, 170B, and 167 with a grade of B- or better.
  • Presentation of a portfolio of well constructed audio CDs of at least 一个 live ensemble concert and 一个 full studio recording involving multiple instruments, voices, and/or 音效,每个长度超过半小时.
  • Short projects demonstrating original sound composition and/or combined media techniques.



All undergraduate Bachelor of 音乐 majors must enroll in a performance ensemble each 他们在这个学期就读音乐系. 所有报名参加应用课程的学生必须 他参加了一个表演剧团. 研究生可申请3个合奏单元 达到30个学分的毕业要求.

有关每个集合的更多信息,请参见 性能的集合体.


风合奏, 交响乐团 and Symphony Orchesra are the appropriate performing 乐团. 学生们必须演奏事先准备好的曲目.  进行试镜 每学期开课前两天.


管弦乐队是合适的表演团体. 学生必须演奏事先准备好的曲目 和sightread. 进行试镜 每学期开课前两天.


音乐会合唱团是合适的表演团体. 试镜是在两个地方进行的 每学期开学前几天.


The Jazz 管弦乐队 and Afro-Latin Jazz Ensemble are approved performing 乐团.


咨询 键盘研究地区协调员 为适当的主要合奏. 


A student who misses his or her ensemble audition should contact the conductor of 关于化妆试镜的信息. 化妆试镜可能不是 scheduled in all areas, in which case the student's audition would be postp一个d until 下个学期. Therefore, students should make every effort to audition during 预定试镜时间.




A placement examination will be offered on-line in the weeks previous to the start of classes in the fall semester, as well as during the first meeting of MUSC 9 and 音乐1.  Your score in the placement exam will determine if you will start in MUSC 9(音乐基础)或音乐1(音乐理论1). MUSC 9和音乐1在 同时; 你可以报名参加任何一个, and will be placed in the appropriate section after the first day of classes. If you do not complete the placement exam you will be placed into MUSC 9.

The purpose of the following is to help entering music majors better prepare themselves 大一的音乐课程. 虽然大部分材料将被讨论和 reviewed in classes, it is in the student's best interest to have a working knowledge and familiarity with some theory, terminology and music history.

Entering students should be familiar with following tasks:

  1. Reading standard music notation in both treble and bass clefs;
  2. Understanding basic rhythmic notation for both notes and rests;
  3. 了解大调和小调特征;
  4. Understanding whole- and half-steps as they relate to scales (scale patterns);
  5. 理解简单的三和弦(三个音符的和弦);
  6. Understanding basic musical terminology as related to tempo, style and performance;
  7. Understanding a brief overview of musical periods and a basic knowledge of significant 每个时代的作曲家.
  8. For additional references, please consult from among the following sources.

研究来源 (一个非常不完整的列表)

  • 菲利普·泰格. Everyday Tonality II (towards a tonal theory of what most people hear).纽约 & 哈德斯菲尔德:弥撒 Media 音乐 Scholars’ Press, 2014 Download the PDF text here (after payment of about 7美元或5英镑):.


  • 开放乐理 (an open-source, interactive, online “text”book for college-level music theory courses)
  • 音乐theory.网 provides free content—lessons and exams—for the content listed in the numbered bullets (1-6)如上所示.
  • 在线音乐理论卡片 对测试自己的音乐基础有帮助吗.
  • Berkelee是免费的 音乐理论手册
  • YouTube的 音乐基础理论
  • 理论:音乐理论基础四个星期: eTheory is the Eastman 音乐学院's online course, which can be used by non-Eastman students for an introduction to theory fundamentals, including intervals, counterpoint, 和弦、低音和乐句模型. 在线课程包括200多套 of writing, playing, listening, singing, and conducting exercises, and provides immediate 对所有新概念的反馈($97)


联系 Dr. 巴勃罗·弗曼 查阅有关分班考试的资料.

Note to 转学: Please be aware that your previous educational institution may have an "course to course articulation agreement" with 菠菜网lol正规平台. 本协议可 determine your music theory and musicianship placement level. 许多协议包括 the clause, "Subject to Completion of Theory Placement Exam.“如果你有问题 about the articulation agreement between your previous educational institution and 菠菜网lol正规平台,请参阅菠菜网lol正规平台发音页面.