
舞台上的音乐学生.The 音乐舞蹈学院 prides itself on its diverse offering of undergraduate degrees, allowing all students to choose studies in music that fully serve their passions 职业目标. During their studies at 圣何塞州立大学, music students have the opportunity to work closely with our outstanding faculty to gain valuable 所选领域的专业经验. 总的来说,我们的本科生 are guaranteed an education that is reputable, well-rounded, and will prepare them for the competitive world of professional artistry.

看到 学位表格一览表 符合课程要求.

The 音乐舞蹈学院 offers four professional undergraduate degrees in music:



Professional degree programs lead to careers in performance, composition, jazz studies, and music education including a fifth year credential program. 我们突出核心课程 in our curriculum that include experience in performance, music systems (theory), 技术和即兴创作.

Beyond the core courses, individual contracts or concentrations within the BA and BM degree address professional opportunities that include:

  • 证书学校教学
  • 私立学校教学
  • Vocalists or instrumentalists for the concert stage, opera, musical theater, jazz
  • Composers and/or arrangers for film, television, multimedia
  • 声音工程和音乐技术
  • 所有表演区域的指挥
  • 艺术及教育行政
  • 音乐或舞蹈作家/学者


音乐 作文 Majors engage themselves in the study of new music and its construction for traditional ensembles as well as electro-acoustic mediums. 私营成分 lessons are at the heart of this degree program: each student is given individual time to be mentored by 一个 of our distinguished faculty in the art of composing music. This degree program also offers group composition classes and provides many opportunities for students to hear their own works performed by other students and faculty members. 这个项目的学生 must complete both junior and 高级独奏会s in addition 到正常的学习课程.


The BM concentration in 爵士乐的研究 is a degree tailored for students who are intent on pursuing an active career as a professional jazz musician. 重点放在 jazz improvisation, jazz performance styles, jazz arranging/composition, and jazz 教育学. 爵士乐的研究 students receive in-depth private instruction on their chosen instrument(s) and also receive opportunities to rehearse and perform with the 菠菜网lol正规平台 爵士乐合奏: 爵士乐团和非洲-拉丁爵士乐团. 这个项目的学生 must complete a 高级独奏会 in addition 到正常的学习课程.

更多信息可以在这里找到 爵士乐团和非洲-拉丁爵士乐团.

BM -音乐表演学士学位

The BM in Performance is designed for students who are intent on pursuing an active 职业生涯作为一个表演者和/或私人教练. 音乐表演学生 private lessons from 一个 of our outstanding applied instructors for their instrument/voice type to develop their individual technique, sound, expression, and understanding of 标准曲目. In addition to core courses such as 音乐 Theory, Performance Majors participate in appropriate Major and Minor ensembles. 这个学位的学生 program are expected to present both a junior and 高级独奏会.

更多信息可以在这里找到 主要和次要合奏.


菠菜网lol正规平台's 音乐教育 program has long been recognized for its outstanding preparation 音乐教师. During their studies in in either vocal or instrumental 教育学, 音乐教育 students also enroll in core music classes such as 音乐 Theory, private lessons, and performance ensembles that will allow them to grow as musicians. 通过获得 a BM in 音乐教育, 菠菜网lol正规平台 students are better prepared to undergo the California teaching certification process that is required in order to be a certified California 音乐老师. 这个学位的学生 program are expected to present a thirty-minute 高级独奏会.

更多信息可以在这里找到 音乐教育.


This is a flexible program of general studies with minimum performance requirements that allows students to combine studies in music with other fields of interest. An 入学试镜. All students must complete the core classes and then consult the 音乐 Advisor to design a Capst一个 that includes elective coursework from 至少有三个不同的领域. BA students wishing to participate in private lessons 还必须参加一个团体吗.

BA—音乐文学学士, Emphasis in 音乐技术

This course of study offers in-depth training in music technology within the broader 上海州立大学的文科教育. Students pursue this track in preparation for careers in electro-acoustic music, studio arts, sound design, music/sound production, and 多媒体声音应用.


The 音乐小 program is designed for students interested in taking music coursework 虽然音乐可能不是他们的职业选择. 未成年人必须获得a minimum of eighteen units in core coursework, concert attendance, performance skills, ensemble performance, and other music support courses. 未成年人不需要 为低年级或高年级学生举行独奏会.

看到 音乐副修资料套[pdf] 以获取有关要求的进一步信息.


This option is provided for students who already have a major in a related field and wish to develop skills in music and audio technologies as a strategic complement to 他们的主要.

看到 音乐副修资料套[pdf] 以获取有关要求的进一步信息.