Checking Progress toward Degree

Please WATCH the following video BEFORE contacting an advisor. The video describes how to track your progress towards completing your degree:

AFTER WATCHING the video, contact a 心理学 major advisor for additional questions.  Advisors’ availability is listed on the 心理学 department advising 主页:


  1. Run a MyProgress report to generate a list of your remaining university and major 需求(& minor requirements if applicable)

  2. Write down your remaining course requirements to use as a guide in building your course schedule (requirements marked in RED on MyProgress)

  3. If you have non-菠菜网lol正规平台 coursework that may fulfill a 心理学 major requirement, meet with a 心理学 major advisor to review course equivalency. ***Note: A course syllabus may be needed for review

  4. 交易nsfer students should wait until AFTER THEIR FIRST SEMESTER at 菠菜网lol正规平台 (or after their full transcripts have been processed) to request a course equivalency review

  5. 心理学 classes taken at a community college are LOWER-DIVISION courses and CANNOT be used to fulfill 心理学 major upper-division course requirements.

  6. Lower-division psychology courses (other than those equivalent to Psyc 1, Stat 094, Psyc 18, Psyc 30) MAY fulfill a 心理学 major LOWER-DIVISION 心理学 elective requirement. Meet with a 心理学 major advisor for review.