2021年1 - 2月刊


通过C / Vano

Recently, I interviewed C/Col Duke and got his thoughts on a few questions. 他提供了 us all with insight and encouragement on how to tackle this semester and ROTC. We have objectives to execute, fitness assessments to max and GLPs to complete, so let’s 全力以赴! 在杜克上校和空军参谋部的新领导下,我们有很多 to learn from them and are looking forward to seeing the great work they will do! 




我想传授的最重要的一课是失败的概念. 我要学员 to understand that failure is a necessary circumstance for growth and success. 我想要的 people to be unafraid of the unknown, to take those leaps of faith, and take all challenges 正面. (参考我对斯巴达飞行员的定义)

斯巴达式的飞行员: a DET 045 cadet or commissi一个d officer that is not afraid to test the boundaries 或者走出他们的舒适区. 斯巴达空军为不舒服和 攻击他们遇到的每一个障碍.


The highest item on my bucket list is to go sky-diving and to hopefully attend Airborne 或者是空军突击学校.


I have always wanted to learn how to speak other languages to build more cultural 的关系. 我一直想学的语言有阿拉伯语、汉语、 包括西班牙语!


To the cadets - "As you go throughout your time in ROTC and overall life I urge each 你们每个人都要把握生活,充分利用它. 当遇到 障碍或挑战,想办法克服它们. 永远不要向环境低头. Take hold of what you have and make use of it, it’s easy to make excuses but harder 采取行动. 保持积极的心态,消极的心态是会传染的 让整个团队瞬间倒下. 在我们努力培养未来的空军军官时, we must push each other to embody this in exceeding not only our own but set expectations 通过抓住我们得到的每一个机会. 无论你是GMC还是POC we are all still developing and working towards becoming better leaders and followers."

问:周五的PT、LLAB和AS课后你是怎么度过的? 你午睡还是吃饭 第一个?

During normal PMT hours and class, on Fridays, I always find myself just relaxing 和我的学员们交流. 通常,我们会出去吃饭,锻炼身体 或参加后备军官训练团(AAS或PDU)以外的其他组织. 记住永远 照顾好自己,不要成为后备军官训练队的机器人!

Q: If you could change 一个 small thing about the world, what would that be?

One thing that I would change about the world is the concept of happiness. 就像我 said before people tend to let the circumstances or situation grab hold of them, trending 走向消极的前景. 无论在什么情况下,受益的不仅是自己 but those around you it is important to be happy and find positivity in everything.


通过C / Vano



  1. C / Germenis AFSC
  2. C / Pham AFSC
  3. C / Manandic AFSC
  4. C /卡尔森AFSC
  5. C/Balanga和C/Pugeda的AFSC

祝贺所有即将成为少尉的人! DET 045是不可思议的 为你感到骄傲! 


通过C / Tiruthani

The last year of social distancing has brought many challenges, especially when it 来娱乐和旅游. 然而,这并没有阻止我们的学员花钱 their Winter Break on quality time with their families, improving themselves, and 保持健康. 面对COVID,学员们设法改变了计划和变化 这是他们度假的方式


by being able to accomplish the penultimate goal of any good vacation: having fun. 

The latent social distancing of snowsports makes it a prime quarantine-compromised 度假活动. C/Maj崔是一个利用这一事实的学员,花费 他的时间是在太浩湖的许多斜坡上滑雪和单板滑雪. 

“It made it more challenging to breathe being high up at around 9,000 feet with masks,” C/Cui谈到他在斜坡上遇到的一个独特挑战时说. “尽管如此,它还是令人愉快的, as it is easy to stay socially distanced from other skiers and snowboarders.”  

Wearing a mask while in public was 一个 of many healthy decisions made by C/Cui this Winter Break: in addition to spending lots of time in the open air and celebrating Christmas and New Years in small groups, he also decided to become Vegan. 

“It brings me back to thinking of 一个 of our Core Values of Excellence in All We Do 我要保持最好的身体状态. 我鼓励学员尝试植物性饮食 as it provides a lot of energy, endurance, and stamina versus eating a lot of animal products for physical health whether it is strength training, running, or biking.”

FTP Cadet C/Selvamani had a different approach to quarantine vacation: in lieu of vacationing, he stayed busy working toward his goal of being an Air Force pilot. 早期 in the break, he earned his Private Pilot License, finishing off a multi-month journey 地面学校,学习飞行,检查飞行. 以真正的嗜气者的方式,他 还开始在一家航空燃料公司工作. 

When not gracing the skies, C/Selvamani stayed indoors, spending his time on his newly-bought 任天堂开关. 

当然,没有新年决心的寒假是不完整的. 像C /崔, C/Selvamani为即将到来的一年选择了与卫生相关的任务.

C/Selvamani说:“我的新年决心是让自己变胖。. “我想要这个 或没有COVID[现有].”



通过C /汗

Cadets kicked off the 第一个 few weeks of LLAB virtually to comply with COVID-19 protocol. Det 045 has adapted Virtual LLAB from the Fall 2020 semester to make the experience 甚至比以前更吸引人. 为学员提供一个学习环境 grow and improve themselves as Spartan Airmen despite the current circumstances.

 Beginning with LLAB 1, Cadets were addressed by 干部 and C/Col Duke on the Spring 学期的标准和期望. 此外,他们还听取了着装和 本学期的外观和PT程序. 

During the second week of LLAB, cadets were refreshed on the updated chain of command 等级结构. 此外,还向他们简要介绍了中国的风俗和礼仪 美国空军. 第二周结束时,学员们被组织成导师 groups based on their goals and major, providing them with an opportunity to learn and take advice from those who were in their place at 一个 point in their ROTC journey. 

Lastly, LLAB 3 held many unique learning opportunities for the whole detachment. 开始 off with the active shooter brief given by US Air Force Technical Sergeant Coleman. This brief preached the correct protocol on what to do in an active shooter situation. Cadets applied their learned knowledge to different scenarios given by the speaker 让他们为现实生活做好准备. 学员们还学习了自我援助 朋友关心. After receiving this brief, they were familiar with essential life support and saving techniques to help wounded personnel survive in combat situations. 周 LLAB以演练结束. 在这里,学员们学习了基本的命令 motions through the virtual drill simulator to prepare them for the upcoming weeks LLAB的负责人将会亲自到场. 这个练习被证明对……特别有益 刚刚加入045 Det家族的新款150.



The Baseline Fitness Assessment took place during the 第一个 week of February. 像往常一样 the assessment required cadets to maximize their strength and perform the most push ups and sit ups within a minute, followed by the mile and a half run which often feels 远远不止这些! 

This BFA was quite unique considering the partially virtual environment. 变焦,Strava, 电子签名似乎是Det 045的新常态. 这证明了适应性 and resilience in the face of adversity that we have as a detachment, driven by the 我们学员的战士精神.

The execution of the virtual BFA was smooth and clear thanks to the detailed 放大的标志这是菅直人中尉的指示. 他的电子邮件提供了一个循序渐进的指导 学员跟随,使整个过程变得毫不费力. 

The great effort that was put into the 第一个 BFA of 2021 by members of the detachment 很出色,但我们必须不断准备自己. 记住,一切都是为了进步 而不是完美. 

