Crosstown Cadets

What are crosstown cadets?

Crosstown cadets are students who attend AFROTC from a college or university other than the host detachment. San Jose State University is Detachment 045’s host university. We do accept students from local colleges and univiersities that have a crosstown agreement with Detachment 045:

  • University of California Santa Cruz
  • Stanford University
  • Santa Clara University
  • Foothill College
  • West Valley College
  • Mission College

Is there any difference?

No. There is no difference between a crosstown cadet and a cadet who attends the host university. Cadets will have the same training requirements. Crosstown cadets on a quarter-system academic calendar will need to work with cadre to make-up any missed requirements.

Is being a crosstown cadet difficult?

It can be difficult at times but generally depends on your effort toward the program. Crosstowns cadets typically have a greater motivation to be in the program since they have to commute at least once a week and have to learn more material outside the program itself. Since 菠菜网lol正规平台 starts on a semester system if your college is quarterly you will miss the first half of training at the start of the year which means you will have to put in more work. The material is not difficult to understand it just takes hands on experience to reproduce which can be attained through individual practice. Furthermore, managing class schedules will also have to become a part of your routine if you wish to attend the program as much as possible.

Are there any requirements to become a crosstown cadet?

Crosstown enrollment is required to attend AS class and LLAB. This form can be picked up at your university’s registrar office; it needs to be signed by your college or university before submitting to cadre. For enrollment issues, you will need to work with your AFROTC instructor.

Are there other cadets at my college?

If your college or university is listed above, there is a high likelihood of having fellow cadets at your college or university. Crosstown cadets do their best to carpool to AFROTC events together. Once part of the cadet wing, you will be able to make those connections. If your college is not listed above, please use the AFROTC College Locator tool to determine your host university.