MFA 招生 (数字媒体艺术, 摄影, 绘画艺术, 空间艺术)

Thank you for your interest in the MFA Program in the Department of Art & 艺术历史 在菠菜网lol正规平台.  艺术系的教员 & 艺术史是值得骄傲的 of the accomplishments of our MFA graduates. 

Through its excellent facilities and diverse and well-recognized faculty, the program encourages and enables students to develop their technical studio skills as well as the ability to think creatively and critically about their practice. 

研究生 students take critical seminars and studio classes where their peers and the faculty provide critical feedback about their work. 保证分配工作室 for 5 semesters; these studios and shared spaces provide an environment for focused independent experimentation, and build community that facilitates peer to peer discourse. Exhibition opportunities at several student galleries provide an important aspect of professional preparation for graduates in the program. 

That the MFA program functions within the context of a liberal arts college is perhaps the strongest indicator of the breadth of competence expected of its students. 研究生 students in the MFA programs are given elective options in philosophy, history, literature, 戏剧、音乐、人类学等等. Within the Department itself, the approach 学习是高度跨学科的. 教师 routinely share duties across media and disciplines; and the facilities encompass traditional media like ceramics, glass, and darkroom photography to advanced digital methods like VR and CNC fabrication. The faculty is equally broad-based: graduate students are encouraged to develop exposure to as many new approaches as will benefit their progress. 所有领域都有相似之处 admissions processes, curricular structure, advancement, and review processes. 



Applications for Fall 2025 admission open October 1st 2024 via 加州申请. 申请截止日期为:



All Applicants must meet both 大学要求 and Program Requirements established 由艺术系赞助 & 艺术历史. 


More information on University requirements can be found here: 菠菜网lol正规平台研究生申请信息


The equivalent to a Bachelor of Fine Art (BFA) degree in the applicant’s designated area of graduate emphasis (60 units in studio art) is 推荐. At least 6 upper division units in art history are 要求. If you don’t have 6 upper division units in 艺术历史 but have a strong application, the department review committee may conditionally admit you but require that you take the 要求 courses within the first few semesters.


您将开始您的应用程序 加州申请

  • 官方成绩单 
  • 托福和其他要求的考试成绩

You will be directed automatically Slideroom via 加州申请 to submit the following 文档. Make sure you return to 加州申请 to finish the submission process.




文档 & Recommendation Letters for the University and Department requirements must be received by the document due date (which is a little later than the application 到期日期). Check the links below for the Application & 文件截止日期(滚动) down for College of Humanities and Arts)


The application deadline is the deadline to submit the 加州申请 application. The portfolio, academic record, statement of purpose, CV, & 作品集都被考虑在内 应用程序的组件. In other words, all of the '文档' that YOU provide need to be submitted with the application by the application deadline. 

The document deadline is the deadline to submit all 要求 external 文档 to 研究生 招生 and Program Evaluations. “文件”截止日期指的是 deadline for 文档 received by third parties (like transcripts and letters of 推荐).


Detailed Requirements for 投资组合s, Letters of Recommendation, and Eligibility can 可以在 MFA应用常见问题.



MFA是一个60学分的学位. Most students complete the degree in 5-6 semesters.  The coursework consists of graduate seminars, upper division undergraduate studio electives, TAships, and independent studies.   在条款上有很大的灵活性 of the elective courses you take for an MFA in Art. 

工作室有5个学期.  You are 要求 to install two exhibitions 在你的第二次 & 3rd years in 一个 of 8 student galleries, but optional exhibition opportunities 也存在于需求之外. If you are interested in teaching, we have Teaching Assistant opportunities, as well as a class dedicated to preparing MFAs to 在大学里教书. There's also opportunities to teach your own class, but that is dependent on undergraduate enrollment so can't be guaranteed. 



For questions regarding the MFA program please contact the 研究生 Coordinator:

安德鲁•布兰顿 安德鲁 



More information about each degree program can be found on the area websites:

