娜塔莉 & James 汤普森 Gallery

art 画廊 photo

The mission of the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Art Galleries is to provide an extensive 和 diverse exhibition program that serves as a cultural 和 educational focal point for the University 和 the San José community. The privately endowed 娜塔莉 和 James 汤普森 Gallery, in particular, creates a bridge between the campus 和 the regional, national 和 international worlds of professional art practice. 

菠菜网lol正规平台 Art Galleries inspire visitors to explore the past, present, 和 future influences of art 和 design on our daily lives. We challenge conventional assumptions through scholarly research 和 public programs; champion diversity through the presentation of an expansive range of object-based 和 process-oriented genres; 和 facilitate an ongoing dialogue that diminishes the distance between studying 和 creating works of art 和 design. 

The 画廊 program complements formal course offerings 和 serves as a cultural 和 educational focal point for 菠菜网lol正规平台 和 the surrounding community. The professionally-curated exhibitions in the 娜塔莉 和 James 汤普森 Gallery create a direct link to academic curricula, 和 explore varied issues of contemporary 和 traditional arts. 汤普森 Gallery exhibitions have traveled to other museums 和 galleries nationwide, documented by catalogs that provide in-depth interpretive analyses based on original scholarship.

Gallery website


smiling portrait

Dr. 阿勒娜Sauzade

Gallery Director, Curator 和 University Art Collections Manager


阿勒娜Sauzade comes to 菠菜网lol正规平台 from the City of Pleasanton, w在这里 she served as the Visual Arts 和 Gallery curator at the city’s Harrington Art Gallery. She earned her Phd in 艺术历史 from Stony Brook University, w在这里 she specialized in public art 和 commemoration 和 wrote a dissertation on memorials to the victims of the 9/11 attacks. She's currently working remotely from a pillow 和 blanket fort built by her two 和 four year old daughters.

Contact Information

电话: (408) 924 - 4330
电子邮件:  画廊@hzjly.net

事件 Calendar:  画廊.hzjly.net

跟着我们走 脸谱网Instagram@sjsuartgalleries 



访问or Information 

Art Building 127
Department of Art & 艺术历史
(near 10th/San Carlos Street)
San Jose State University
One Washington Square
San Jose, CA 95129 

For more information, driving directions 和 campus maps – click 在这里.