Login Guide for First-Time Users

为了确保您的数字信息的安全,菠菜网lol正规平台使用双因素多因素认证 (MFA). 菠菜网lol正规平台有两个必修程序和两个可选程序 account activation and setup of Duo MFA:

Set Up Your 菠菜网lol正规平台One Password for the First Time

  1. Go to the 菠菜网lol正规平台One Password Set/Reset page
  2. Enter your nine-digit 菠菜网lol正规平台 ID.
  3. Read and accept the CSU Responsible Use Policy [pdf]
  4. Click Continue.
  5. Choose one of the following methods to verify your identity:
    • Provide your birth date and the last four digits of your SSN
    • Send a reset link to your email address
  6. Click Continue.
  7. Enter your new password.
    Passwords should adhere to the following requirements:
      • Passwords must be between 15 - 64 characters
      • 可选大写字母、数字、空格和特殊字符
      • 不要使用你的名字,菠菜网lol正规平台 ID,出生日期,你的社会安全号的任何部分,菠菜网lol正规平台特定的 terms, or keywords associated with the university
      • Do not use common words


Set Up Duo Mobile MFA

如果您没有智能手机或不想在您的手机上安装DUO,您可以 联系IT服务台(408-924-1530)申请硬件令牌(key fob). 请求一个钥匙扣将花费更多的时间比自助Duo移动应用程序激活 process.

IMPORTANT: 要使用DUO设置双因素身份验证,您将需要两台设备——一台到 show a QR code and one to scan the QR code.

  1. Go to The Spartan App Portal at One.菠菜网lol正规平台
  2. Click the "Sign In" 按钮,位于屏幕右上方的搜索栏下方
    One.菠菜网lol正规平台.edu web page screenshot.
  3. 在菠菜网lol正规平台单点登录页面输入您的菠菜网lol正规平台 ID和密码
  4. Click "Sign In" at the bottom of the page
    Login Screen for 菠菜网lol正规平台 via Single Sign On.
  5. 在标题为“设置安全方法”的提示符末尾单击“设置”,然后单击 the "Enroll" button on the following prompt.
    Screenshot of Universal Prompt prompt in Duo.
  6. After that is an options menu for authentications. We recommend installation of "Duo Mobile", the mobile phone app with the green icon.
    Option select for Duo Mobile or Security Key.
  7. 然后提示将要求您的手机上提供一些信息,包括完整的 phone number.
    Prompt to enter phone number to login Duo Mobile.
  8. 如果在移动设备上设置,点击“继续”按钮并打开链接继续 to the app.
    Prompt to open Duo Mobile.
  9. 如果在台式机或笔记本电脑上登录,那么用Duo Mobile应用程序扫描二维码即可 open the link. 记住在这一步使用Duo Mobile应用程序,并调整权限 for use of the camera where necessary.
    Prompt to scan QR code in Duo Mobile.
  10. 如果帐户设置良好,应该有一个屏幕设置帐户名称. The default account name is "San Jose State University".
    Name account in Duo Mobile.
  11. 回到浏览器的设置提示,选择“继续”按钮继续 with logging in.
    Confirmation that account was added to Duo Mobile.
  12. Follow the Duo Universal Prompt to complete your login. "Send me a Push" brings up 而“输入密码”则使用六位数字的密码 displayed in your app account listing.
    The various ways to login via Duo Mobile.

当您完成Duo Mobile注册时:OKTA会提示您提供 a security question and a secondary email.
从下拉菜单中选择一个安全问题,或者自己制作问题 provide an answer.

辅助电子邮件应该与你申请时使用的电子邮件相匹配. If you need 要更新您的辅助电子邮件,您必须首先完成所有OKTA步骤.
Click “Create Account.” You will be able to access My菠菜网lol正规平台.

For instructions on changing  your secondary email, see Set My Preferred Email Address


您现在已注册DUO双因素身份验证和菠菜网lol正规平台One ID帐户 is fully activated.

Set Up Recovery with Duo Restore

此过程是可选的,但建议您保持对您的 如果您获得新设备或需要将设备重置为出厂设置,请使用菠菜网lol正规平台帐户.

Enable Auto-Push for MFA

您可以在登录时通过启用 自动推送:自动提示您使用您选择的方法进行身份验证 via the Duo Mobile app.

This procedure is optional.

To enable auto-push:

  1. Visit the Multi-Factor Authentication Profile page.
  2. Enter your 菠菜网lol正规平台 ID and password and click Login.
  3. Before authenticating with MFA, select Settings > My Settings & Devices.
    Duo Mobile Screen with options to select My Settings & Devices.
  4. Complete multi-factor authentication as normal.
  5. Under Default Device, select your default device from the drop-down list.
  6. Under When I log in, select Automatically send this device a Duo Push.
    Duo Mobile Push Selection
  7. Click Save.

NOTE: To turn off auto-push for MFA, select Ask me to choose an authentication method.


Frequently Asked Questions


Login support is provided by the IT Service Desk. You may:
因为登录和MFA是安全服务,所以IT服务台必须确认您的 identity before providing assistance.