



(408) 924-5580


Ph.D. University of North Carolina, 1972 


pdf文件由博士提供. 克里斯腾森:
San Jose Political History since 1970  [pdf] 
San Jose Political History to 1970 [pdf]

For an overview of Terry's community service and teaching philosophy, listen to his 2023 interview on Amazing Cities here: http://amazingcities.libsyn.com/with-dr-terry-christensan

特里·克里斯坦森 specialized in state and local politics. 他获得了政治学学士学位 science from Stanford and a PhD from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 的 author or co-author of nine books, his most recent publication is the 15th版的 California Politics and Government, the best-selling text on California politics he co-authored with 拉里Gerston. 其他书籍包括 推动者和震动者 (a 1982 study of political power in San Jose and other Sunbelt cities), co-authored 菲尔·特劳斯廷; Local Politics: A Practical Guide to Governing at the Grassroots; Projecting Politics: Political Messages in American Films, co-authored by Elizabeth and 彼得·哈斯; and 回忆! California's Political Earthquake, also co-authored by 拉里Gerston.

Christensen chaired the Department of Political 科学 from 1994 to 2002. 在 that time he helped raise funds for multiple department scholarships and founded the 唐·爱德华兹讲座 series and the Institute for Public Affairs and Civic Engagement (IPACE). In 1998, he was named 圣何塞州立大学's Outstanding Professor. His teaching focused on local government and politics; he also directed the 菠菜网lol正规平台 political science department's internship program, which he created over forty years ago. 一代又一代 of community leaders and activists have graduated from his classes to serve in elected and administrative positions and as volunteers.

Local and national media regularly call on Christensen for analysis of politics in 加州和硅谷. He has served on numerous civic committees and commissions, often with his former students, and as an advisor to many candidates and elected officials.

He was the the Founding Executive Director of CommUniverCity San Jose (www.cucsj.org), a partnership between the City of San Jose, 圣何塞州立大学 and the neighborhoods surrounding the university that concentrates hundreds of students performing community service in these neighborhoods with projects selected by residents and supported by 这个城市. He is still involved with two CommUniverCity projects initiated while he was Executive Director:  Friends of Five Wounds Trail (www.fivewoundstrail.org) and BART Alum Rock Transit Village Advocates (BARTVA)( http://five-wounds.equoria.org/bartva/).

从2015年到2023年,他主持 谷政治, a monthly TV show focusing on politics and public policy in San Jose and Silicon 《lol菠菜网正规平台》由CreaTV出品.  谷政治 可以在YouTube上找到 http://http://www.youtube.com/user/CREATVSANJOSE 的 谷政治 History Interviews with local political leaders are on YouTube at: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKpv9-EjbubQw6zy69-HFnmXMrwlLgPil