2022年11月 Grants and Contracts

We are pleased to share the success of 菠菜网lol正规平台's principal investigators who were awarded grants and contracts during 2022年11月:

Monthly 奖 at a Glance:
9 奖 Received: Valued at $568,065.

查尔斯W. Davidson College of 工程

王晓勇, 电气工程    
Cryogenic Characterization of MST Devices
赞助商: Atomera——50052美元.


艾比Queale, 研究处
CSU Community Builder Grant
赞助商: CSU, Long Beach Foundation – $7,500.


金伯利Blisniuk, 地质
Development of Faults through Sand and the Slip 历史 of the San Gregorio Fault
赞助商: University of Southern California – $30,000.

朱莉年代. 斯皮策, Mathematics and Statistics
Santa Clara Valley Mathematics Project FY 22-23 (CSMP State Funds)
赞助商: Regents of the University of California – $20,000.

詹姆斯•哈维 Moss Landing海洋实验室
Estuarine Wetland and Nearshore Ecology Studies along the Pacific Flyway
赞助商: U.S. Geological Survey – $70,000.

马可一. Sigala, Moss Landing海洋实验室
赞助商: MLJ Environmental – $11,910.

马可一. Sigala, Moss Landing海洋实验室
Morro Bay Foundation Data Navigator Phase 3
赞助商: Bay Foundation of Morro Bay – $176,000.

迈克尔·格雷厄姆,斯科特·L. 汉密尔顿, Moss Landing海洋实验室
Universal Hatchery System for Developing New Seaweed Strains for Land-Based Aquaculture 生产
赞助商: 加州大学圣地亚哥分校- 183,009美元.

College of 社会科学s

Sean P. Laraway, 心理学
任务单号. 03- AS20-01509
赞助商: ASRC联邦- $19,594. 

Note: Some industry-sponsored awards are not listed due to their respective non-disclosure terms.