能卡多纳·, Ph.D.





Contact Information:

电子邮件: 能.cardona@hzjly.net


Dr. 能卡多纳· will not be teaching for the Fall 2024 semester.

关于博士. 能卡多纳·

能卡多纳·, a researcher, mother, scholar, educator, and feminist of color, holds a doctoral degree in education from the University of California, Berkeley. Dr. 卡多纳· self-identifies as a first-generation college student from a low-income immigrant family from Guanajuato, Mexico. Her research is situated at the intersection of community engagement, critical race theory (CRT), critical pedagogy, and critical methodologies. As a researcher, she employs testimonio and plática methodologies in experiential knowledge and critical healing practices. As an educator, she practices Freirean principles of emancipatory and liberatory education to empower college students to be critical thinkers and bridge theory with practice. 

Areas of Interest

  • 人权
  • Critical Methodologies
  • Theories of Violence
  • Community Engagement 

Recent Publications:

卡多纳·G. (2022). “Womxn of Color’s Community Engagement in College: The Role of Family in Defining and Sustaining Community-Engaged Service.在E中. Nemeth & A. 帕特森 (Eds.), Pursuit of liberation: Critical service-learning as capacity building for historicized, humanizing, and embodied action. Information Age Publishing.