Claudio Vera Sanchez, Ph.D.


项目 Coordinator

Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago; Chicago, IL

Curriculum Vitae [pdf]


Contact Information:

电子邮件: 克劳迪奥。
电话: 408-924-2950
办公室:MH 509

Fall 2024 Office Hours: TBA


关于博士. Claudio Vera Sanchez:

Claudio Vera Sanchez received his Ph.D. in Criminal Justice from the University of Illinois at Chicago in 2008. His work centers on policing practices in Latino and African American neighborhoods and how those strategies negatively impact the youth 的颜色. His work also focuses on the policing of immigrants, police perspectives on communities 的颜色, and programs aimed to redirect youth from a path of prison 上大学.

Areas of Interest:

  • 统计数据
  • Criminal Justice
  • 研究方法
  • Policing in Society
  • At-Risk Latino and African American youth, some who have been previously gang affiliated, to a path of success (college).

Recent Publications:

元,Y., 维拉·桑切斯,C. G.彭拉,C. (2022). Procedural justice, neighborhood context, and domestic violence reporting intention among subgroups of immigrants, Police and Society (available online). 

维拉·桑切斯,C. G., & 波蒂略E. (2021). Insiders and outsiders: Latino researchers navigating the studying of the police. Race 和正义, 11(4), 384-406. 

亚当斯,E. B., and 维拉·桑切斯,C. G. (2018). Murder in a twin island paradise: Trends and strategies implemented to address criminal homicide in Trinidad and Tobago. In Deflem, M. (Ed.). Homicide and Violent Crime (Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance, 卷23).Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing.

维拉·桑切斯,C.G. (2018). Immigration, illegality, and the law: Governance, equality, 和正义. 在米. 格瓦拉Urbina), & S. Espinoza Alvarez (eds.). Immigration and the law: Race, citizenship, and social control. University of Arizona Press. 

维拉·桑切斯,C. G., & 高斯,J. (2015). Racially neutral policing?: Puerto Rican and Mexican young adults’ experiences with order maintenance strategies. Journal of Qualitative Criminal Justice & Criminology, 3(2), 166-194.