Internship (JS 181) and Senior Seminar (JS 189 and FS 169) Add Codes

If you are planning to take the JS 181 Internship or the JS 189/FS 169 Senior Seminar course, you will need to fill out an add code request form (add codes from instructors are not permitted).

请求 Internship (JS 181) add code: please complete and submit the following 谷歌的形式.  For Summer 2024, 形式 will be accepted beginning April 8th. For Fall 2024, 形式 will be accepted beginning April 22nd.

  • 请注意:额外的 形式 are required to enroll in the Internship course. Please see additional 信息 regarding 实习.

申请 Senior Seminar (JS 189 and FS 169) add code: please complete and submit the following 谷歌的形式. For Summer 2024, 形式 will be accepted beginning April 8th. For Fall 2024, 形式 will be accepted beginning on April 22nd. 请注意: you must also have a Final Graduation Check to see if you are on track to graduate, completed by your advisor, to receive an add code. If you have not d一个 so, please contact your advisor ASAP. 联系 信息 may 可以在 Academic Advising page of the JS website. Add codes are processed on a first come first service basis. Once the classes are full, students will need to go on a waitlist and possibly look at taking the class in the following semester. 

联系 卡罗尔·桑托斯 if you have any additional questions.