


教授 玛丽朱诺 接收 the 2021 Outstanding Lecturer 教师 Award

Read about 教授 玛丽朱诺 and her award in the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Newsroom blog




教授 Dr. 朱迪·沃伦 was selected as 一个 of 20 for the 菠菜网lol正规平台 2020 Public Voices Fellowship

The OpEd Project's goal is "to increase the range of voices and quality of ideas we 在世界上听到." 菠菜网lol正规平台's 2020 Public Voices Fellowship marks their first entry into this national initiative aimed at dramatically increasing the public impact of women and underrepresented thought leaders. In particular, the fellowship is geared towards those who have not yet learned how to translate their scholarship to public action, ensuring that their ideas help to shape the important conversations of our age.

Read about the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Public Voices Fellowship



教授,博士. 威尔逊元 Received An Early Career Investigator Award

助理教授 袁岳“威尔逊”博士.D. from the Department of 司法研究 in the College of Health and Human 科学s, along with 助理教授 Kim Blisniuk博士.D. from the Department of Geology in the College of 科学,  have been chosen to receive the 菠菜网lol正规平台 研究基金会 Early Career Investigator Awards  for calendar year 2019. The award recognizes tenure-track 菠菜网lol正规平台 faculty members who have excelled in areas of research, scholarship and creative activity at an early or beginning point in their careers.




(2019 - 2020)

教授 Dr. 威尔逊元 received the 2019 - 2020 Early 教师 Service Award (under 10 years at 菠菜网lol正规平台) from the College of Health and Human 科学s.


教授 Dr. 史蒂文•李 received the 2019 - 2020 Lifetime 教师 Service Award for Tenure/Tenure Track 教师 (over 10 years at 菠菜网lol正规平台) from the College of Health and Human 科学s.


卡罗尔·桑托斯 received the 2019 - 2020 Administrative and Professional Service Award from the College of Health and Human 科学s.




教授 佩吉·史蒂文森 接收 the prestigious 创新 和领导能力 Award from CSU Chancellor's Office

教授 Margaret (Peggy) Stevenson has received a 教师 创新 和领导能力 Award from the CSU Chancellor's Office for her work as Director for the Record Clearance Project (RCP).

Stevenson created RCP in 2008; since 2011, it has been formalized into three courses in the Department of 司法研究. Under Stevenson's supervision, undergraduates gain hands-on experience in the legal system while changing lives of those in their community.

RCP has educated more than 11,000 community members on expungement law and employment rights of people with convictions, filed over 1,400 expungement petitions to court, and provided over 1,400 individual interviews to advise people of their next steps in clearing their records. RCP volunteers have delivered over 75,000 uncompensated 服务时间.

Selected from 366 nominations, Stevenson was 一个 of 26 recipients in the CSU system. Stevenson is redirecting her $5,000 award to help fund RCP.



(2016 - 2017)

教授 Dr. 伊迪丝Kinney 接收 CEED 教师 Service Award (2016 - 2017) from the College of Health and Human 科学s

Dr. Kinney has worked on numerous initiatives related to social justice, equity and 我们校园的多样性. She developed a partnership with a resource center on campus, MOSAIC Cross Cultural Center, that promotes diversity, awareness, social change, and cultural empowerment.

Dr. Kinney continues to play a key role in the planning and implementation of the annual  Human Rights Lecture Series. 2015年春季,Dr. Kinney assisted in a very successful and  widely recognized event to date, where many founding members of the Black Lives Matter movement and a keynote lecture by Angela Davis presented to a standing 人满为患.

Dr. Kinney is almost constantly involved in human rights related programming on campus, including her upcoming event in partnership with the Campus Reads and Records Clearance 项目 – a panel discussion on pris一个r re-entry.