
  • Kataoka R., & 古,H. (2019). Effects of variability and internal structure on malleability of ph一个tic categories: [i]诉. [u]. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 146(4), 3053.
  • Swan, Julia Thomas (Accepted, March 13th, 2019). “The Low Back Merger Shift: A Change in Progress in Vancouver, BC and Seattle, WA.” Invited paper in Publications of the American Dialect Society The Low-Back-Merger Shift: Uniting the Canadian Vowel Shift, the California Vowel Shift, and short front vowel shifts across North America.
  • Swan, Julia Thomas (Accepted, November 3rd, 2018). “Bag across the border: A comparison of /æg/ raising in Seattle, WA and Vancouver, BC”
  • Swan, Julia Thomas and Molly Babel (2018). “Dialect Identification Across a Nation-State Border: Perception of Dialectal Variants in Seattle, WA and Vancouver, BC,” Penn Working Papers 在语言学 24.2, Select papers from NWAV 46, Madison, WI.
  • Kataoka R., & 古,H. (2017). Comparing malleability of ph一个tic category between [i] and [u]. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 142(1) EL42-EL48.
  • Swan, Julia Thomas (2017). “Canadian Raising on the rise in Vancouver? 一个语音 comparison of Vancouver, BC and Seattle, WA,” Proceedings from the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association, May 28th, 2017: Toronto, ON.
  • Kataoka R., & 古,H. (2016). Is perceptual learning influenced by inherent variability of ph一个tic category? Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 139(4), 2014.
  • Swan, Julia Thomas (2016). “Canadian 英语 in the Pacific Northwest: 一个语音 comparison of Vancouver, B.C. and Seattle, WA,” Proceedings from the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association, May 28th, 2016: Calgary, AB.
  • 萨姆纳,M., & Kataoka R. (2013). Effects of ph一个tically-cued talker variation on 语义编码. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 134, EL485-EL491.
  • Wheeler, Rebecca and Julia Thomas (2013). “And Still The Children Suffer: The dilemma of Standard 英语, social access and social justice.“JAC,第33卷,no. 1-2
  • Thomas, Julia and Timothy Grinsell (2012). “Finna as a Socially-Meaningful Quasi-Modal in African American 英语.” Conference Proceedings of the Society on the Underrepresented Languages of the Americas 7, eds. 汉娜•格林.
  • Kataoka R. (2011). Ph一个tic and Cognitive Bases of Sound Change. (Doctoral dissertation). University of California at Berkeley.
  • 朱莉娅·托马斯(2011). “Gender and /aɪ/ monophthongization in African American 英语,” Berkeley 语言学 Society: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting: Issue 37.
  • Yu, Alan; Abrego-Collier, Carissa; Baglini, Rebekah; Grano, Tommy; Martinovic, Martina; Otte, Charles III; Thomas, Julia; and Urban, Jasmin (2011) "Speaker Attitude and Sexual Orientation Affect Ph一个tic Imitation," University of Pennsylvania Working Papers 语言学杂志:卷. 17:国际空间站. 一、第二十六条. Available at: http://repository.宾夕法尼亚大学.edu/ pwpl / vol17 / iss1/26
  • Kataoka R. (2010). Ph一个tic description of a three-way stop contrast in Northern 派尤特. UC Berkeley Phonology Lab Annual Report 2010, 316-347.
  • Kataoka R. (2009). A study on perceptual compensation for /u/-fronting in American 英语. Proceedings of the 35th annual meeting of the Berkeley 语言学 Society, 156-167.
  • Kataoka R., & 约翰逊,K. (2007). Frequency effects in cross-linguistic stop place perception: A case of /t/-/k/ in Japanese and 英语. UC Berkeley Phonology Lab Annual 报告2007,273-301.